A Proposal Pt1

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I laughed at Raven as she tried (and failed) to grab a fish that was swimming too close to her for her liking.

"Luna!  Don't laugh!  This fish is flirting with me!" Raven exclaimed, clearly offended.

That only made me laugh harder.  "It's a fish Raven, I don't think it can flirt." I said after I'd recovered.

Raven huffed, "You just don't speak fish."

I squeezed my eyes closed.  "Raven, fish don't make any noises."

"Whales do!"

"I need to take you to Floukru." I said, chuckling.

"Really?" She asked, excited.

"Yes, after Skaikru leave we can go." I said, "Or maybe slightly after that." I added, another thought coming into my mind.

"What do you have on your mind for after they live and before Floukru?" Raven asked curiously, wading closer to me.

I smirked and pecked her lips, "You will have to wait and see ai hodnes (my love).  It would not be a very good surprise if I told you."


A knock came at the door and I stood, having a clue as to who it was.

"What's got you so excited?"

"I'm expecting someone." I replied shortly, going to answer the door.  When I opened it and saw that it was indeed the blacksmith's apprentice I slipped out.

"It is ready Luna." He said.

A grin spread across my face and I poked my head back inside the room, "I'll be back Raven." I said, not giving her time to speak before I withdrew and closed the door, then took off running.

A serious and nervous mindset took over.  This was really soon to be doing this.  Would she say yes?  Or would she say no?

"Come on, focus and stop worrying." I attempted to tell myself, however this did not work at all.

I didn't break my pace, weaving through the crowded Polis streets, until I arrived at the blacksmith's shop.

He smiled as he saw me, "Luna, it is good to see you.  I am sure you are excited to see it." He said, grasping my forearm.

I bit my lip and nodded, "Sha (Yes), very." I said, smiling slightly.

He chuckled and walked over to where there were multiple boxes of different sizes and wrapped weapons, grabbing the smallest box.  Returning with it, he opened it.  My breath hitched as I saw the small necklace.

It was on a small, silver chain.  It had a crescent moon charm on it that was a soft silver color.  It was textured to look as if it had patterns - much like the moon.

"I love it.  Mochof (Thank you)." I said, taking the small box from him and closing it.

"Anytime Luna." He said, smiling at me.  He chuckled, "Now I believe you have someone to get back to." He said.

I grinned and nodded, "Sha (Yes), I do." I said.

He laughed again, "Then what are you still doing here?" He asked.

Laughing myself, I bid him farewell and took off running for the Tower.

When I got back to the Tower, I set out looking for Raven.  I spotted Sinclair and jogged over to him.  "Luna?!?" He sounded startled as he saw me.

"Have you seen Raven?" I asked, ignoring how shocked he sounded.

"Yeah, I saw her a couple minutes ago.  I mentioned to her how you seemed like you couldn't wait to leave." He said.

"Leave?" I was completely confused, "Why would I leave?  I needed to pick something up from a blacksmith." I said.

His eyes widened, "Shoot!  You better find her." He said, pointing in the direction he had apparently seen Raven last.

I dashed off, slower this time.  A figure down a dead ended hallway caught my attention and - after doing a double take - I realized it was Raven.  She was in the shadows, sitting on the floor with her legs curled into her, her face buried in her knees with her arms wrapped around her legs.

Frowning slightly, I walked in and crouched down by her.  My heart broke when I realized she was crying.  "Raven." I said softly, resting my hand on her knee while my other hand slipped the box into my pocket.

She looked up, shock and relief on her face.  "Luna?" She asked quietly.

I nodded, "It's me." I said, cracking a small smile.

She huffed in relief, her whole body relaxing.  "I- Sinclair-  We thought you'd left." She said.

"I would never leave you Raven." I said.  It was clear that it was a fact and a promise.

She smiled, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let myself think that you would." She said.  "Just the way you ran off, it had me nervous."

I chuckled, "I was getting something.  I have a surprise for you.  Close your eyes." I said.

She giggled and closed her eyes, a small smile on her face.

Remembering what Octavia had told me about Skaikru proposals, I moved so that I was in front of her and got on one knee.  I pulled out the box and opened it, letting her see the necklace inside.

"Open your eyes." I said.

She opened her eyes and they widened as she took in my position and the box, her breath hitching and a small gasp escaping her.

"Raven, I know I haven't known you for a long time and we haven't been together long but I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  If something happened to you and I lost you I don't know what I'd do.  I love you more than I thought was possible and honestly you make me a better person than I knew I could be.  Without you, I'm empty and there's nothing left for me to live for." I paused for a breath.  "Raven, will you marry me?"

She was silent for a few moments, tears in her eyes and shock in her face.  Then a huge smile appeared on her face, "Yes." She said simply.

Smiling myself and feeling like a huge weight had just been lifted off of my shoulders, I pulled the necklace out of the box and set the box down. Both of us standing, I slipped it around her neck.

"I love it Luna." She said, smiling as she fingered the crescent moon charm.

I smiled and kissed her forehead, "You had said you didn't want the traditional Skaikru way so I combined our traditions." I said.

She smiled and kissed my lips. When we broke apart she had a huge smile, "I would love anything you did Luna. I have a necklace in my old room that you can have - that way we both have necklaces." She said.

"I would love that." I said, smiling.

She smiled and entwined our fingers and began leading me towards her old room - which she still had stuff that she didn't need but didn't want to get rid of in. Lexa hadn't minded when she'd asked to keep it for her spare stuff so she'd left a bunch of her stuff that she wasn't likely to want or need in there for safe keeping.

I followed her, grinning the whole time.

(Stay tuned for next week's update and Part 2 of this chapter!)

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