Final Chapter

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So hey guys(: This is actually going to be the last chapter of Princess and the Pea!!! OMG I'm so sad but happy at the same time!!!

Haven't uploaded in FOREVER!!!

Okay, I hope I make the ending good!!




The light sunlight glowed on the window. The soft color of the clouds were the exact color of my eyes - Gray, dark, fierce.

"Wait what?" My friend Allie said. "And that's how they met?" She looks at me with her big blue eyes. I laugh and nod.

"Yup. Well, that's the version they told me. I don't know if it's true or not." I replied. She was being skeptical, so I just rolled my eyes and ignored her doubts.

"I know it seems crazy, Allie, but honestly, I really think that's how they met. So I'm writing the exact thing in my paper!"

Allie shook her head and laughed.

"You're crazy. Mrs. Peet is going to yell at you until you're 6 feet under. Honestly. You're going to right how your dad almost threw  your mom under a bus?"

I shrugged. What was I supposed to do? Make up a lie? I started thinking about what I would put for the plot. Or maybe I should just do what the normal kids did and make up a bunch of crap and forge the parent signature. Wouldn't that be special.

"Maybe I'll just ask my parent's to change the story more age appropriate..." I pondered. Allie snickered.

"If I know your parents, Anastasia, they won't change it."

I roll my trademark gray eyes and laugh.

"This is crazy. Why am I making such a big deal out of this?" I say, and take out my computer and start writing my essay on how my parents met. The door rang and I sighed. Ugh. Distractions.

I leave Allie by herself in my room and lunge down the stairs. "COMING!" I yell, hoping the stranger could have magical hearing abilities and could hear me scream.

I finally get to the door and open it with a huff.

"Hi." I greet, and look up.

There was a tall, hot, midnight black haired boy in front of my doorstep. His green eyes scan my face.

"Is there an Ian and Avery Corlett here? I'm here to give a..." He trails off, his eyes lowering to my neck, and then lower...and lower...and lower...

"Hey, uhm, yeah, your eyes? They're supposed to be up here. Just saying."

His eyes slowly come back up and we meet eyes. He smirks lightly, and leans against the door. 

"Anastasia. I've heard so much about you." The guy says. I narrow my eyes, but pop them back to porportion when I think of an idea.

"Oh really? Me too. They told me to stay away from guys like you." I say in a snarky tone.

"Come on. You don't even know me."

"Yeah but I know you just  need to back the HELL away from me." I say, and make a move to shut the door. In a flash, his foot stomps between the door and the wall.

"Let me in, Annie." He says calmly. My heart quickens.

"Who is it?" Allie calls from upstairs.

I open the door, and the guy and I look at each other. He puts a finger to his lips, and I quickly make up a lie while looking at him.

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