The Princess

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   In a mansion that was of great expense, and in the room of the least expense, sat 19 year old Keith Kogane, the adopted son of a powerful don, Zarkon of the Galran Mafia. The boy sat alone with just the breeze from an open window to keep him company. Yet Keith did not mind, being the youngest son and the least sought after by the don and his wife, he preferred the solitude aside from the rare nights that he and the second eldest adopted, Shiro, would escape to the roof to dream of a bigger world. However his quiet isolation was disturbed by a heavy knock. Keith didn't bother to get up from his bed, annoyed he only said. "What?" before a large scarred man with a more than cliche eye patch entered the room.

"Sendak." The raven haired male observed.

"Young master." Sendak responded.

   Keith's face turned to disgust at being called "Young master." He glared up at the massive man waiting for him to state his reason for disturbing him.

"Your father requests an audience with you and your brothers." He explained.

   Keith lifted a brow. "Now?"


   The dark eyed boy stood up from his bed not making eye contact or saying a word as he passed the large man bye.


   In an abandoned building stood two tall tan men and a small pale girl by an old van. The girl sat in the open slide doors of the van typing on a laptop that had wires leading into a large network set up inside the van.

   "They're heading to the dons chamber." The girl spoke adjusting her glasses. "You ready Lance?"

   The slender one of the two men gave a large toothy grin to the light brown haired girl.

"Oh I was born ready!" The cuban cocked.

"Yeah, yeah, you've said that before." The girl smirked.

"You have no faith in me Pidge." Lance pouted.

"Okay." The massive hefty man began. "You got your guns?"




"Extra underwear?"




"Your blue lion teddy-"


"Okay, okay! I'm just completely terrified that you'll get gunned down when you enter this really REALLY highly guarded home of a crime lord!"

   Lance and Pidge looked at each other a bit taken back by Hunk's common panic.

"Chill out big guy." Lance smiled. "I've got this one in the bag."

"Alright, yeah, you're right." Hunk sighed. "Good luck man."

"Get out of here, I don't know how much more bromance I can handle." Pidge grumbled.

   The sharp blue eyed male smiled charmingly before saying. "Time to be a Hero."


   In a large office like room sat two chairs behind a wide desk. Keith stood at the far end of the three brothers awaiting Zarkon and Haggar. The brother directly beside him had black hair with a tuff of white that sat above a scar bridging his nose. The tall male knelt down and whispered to the young brother.


   Keith smiled up at his brother before looking away. "You're gonna get us in trouble Shiro." He warned but he was still happy to get a second with him. 

"Are you quite done?" The third and eldest brother stepped in.

   Keith glared over Shiro to the legitimate son of Zarkon, Lotor. His long white hair was done up finely to match his pressed suit as he stood proudly. Shiro opened his mouth to protest however straightened up when the clack of an unlatching door sounded behind them. Through the door walked in a large dark man with piercing yellow eyes and a face full of scars. Behind him a wispy woman with long silver hair and matching eyes followed. They walked to the desk and before they sat the sons bowed to the godfather. Zarkon and Haggar sat allowing the boys to stand again.

"My sons." Zarkon's venomous voice cooed. "We have news. The Altean's on the eastern border have been depleting in numbers. Their so called Voltron Guardian force has been set back to only three. I can assume you understand what I mean. So Lotor you will be coming with me to Altean grounds. Shiro, you will go with Haggar. As for Keith."

   Keith's eyes twinkled at the sound of his name. He had never been chosen for an assignment even though he trained for it everyday. Was this his day?

"You stay here." Zarkon's words shattered the boy.

   The slightly long haired male looked away hiding his pained face but quickly whiped it away. However anger and curiosity flooded his mind causing him to speak out of tern.  

"But sir!" He called.

   Zarkon and Haggar glared in his direction while his two brothers turned their heads to him surprised. 

   "I have been training everyday since I came here, what's the point of all of that if you wont let me aid you!"

   An icey smile crossed Zarkon's lips sending chills down the youngests spine.

"I don't let you, because you are still useless to me." He answered simply. "Now get out of my sight."

   Keith's bared teeth withdrew, and as did he, the frustrated Lion cub retreated back to the solitary of his room.

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