✧ Eight ✧

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Louis ran to the sound room and without knocking the Doncaster boy barged into the room which made Niall jump slightly and turn towards Louis.

"You scared me Lou" Niall said with a smile.

"Haha, sorry." Louis laughed sheepishly.

"but guess what I found out!" Louis said basically screaming.

"What?" Niall questioned.

"Veronica has a boyfriend named Franklin" and with that said Niall's smile fell.

"A boyfriend?!" Niall spat through his gritted teeth as Louis nodded slowly!.

"Yeah, a, boyfriend" Louis spoke slowly watching Niall clench his jaw.

"Well that's good for her" Niall spat out forcing a fake smile upon his lips.

"Yeah it is..." Louis paused "so um... bye!" and with that said Louis ran out the door, shutting it as soon as he left.

Once Niall thought Louis was far and gone he let out a long loud groan.

Niall slammed his pale hands on the marbled table. "fuck" he cursed as pain shot through his knuckles.

"bandages please" Niall spoke though some monitor connected to the wall and in less than a minute, in came the last person he wanted to see today.

In came Veronica holding a first aid kit.

"oh my goodness are you okay?" says Veronica then thinks "well duh he's not"

shut up brain

okay .-.

(it's back ;)

Veronica rushes to Niall's side, examining the blood covered in his pale knuckles. "what happened?"

"nothing" Niall said in a cold harsh tone that made Veronica wonder what she had done.

"did I do something wrong?" Veronica asked, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"No" Niall snapped and made Veronica step back a few steps.

Niall shook his head "sorry, I'm just stressed" Veronica nodded her head as she started to bandage up Niall's knuckles.

Niall couldn't help but feel the spark between them two as Veronica touched his hand.

"There" Veronica smiled up at her boss, showing her pearly whites. Niall's breath got caught in his throat her smile was just so beautiful.

"Is something wrong?" Veronica asked tilting her head to the side, her eyes filling with concern.

"You're so beautiful" Niall said as he stepped closer to Veronica, pushing her hair behind her ear with his good hand. "Did you know that?"

Veronica looked down to her black heals while her cheeks flushed a light pink color. Niall grabbed her chin making Veronica look up to Niall's gaze.

"So beautiful" Niall said as he caressed Veronica's cheek; while leaning in closer. Their lips an inch apart from touching.

"Nia-" Veronica was cut off when Niall slammed their lips together, making her gasp in surprise. Niall was about to pull back when she started to kiss back.

"Mmm" Veronica moaned softly as Niall pushed her on top of the desk without breaking the kiss.

Niall started to slowly run his hands up and down Veronica's thighs from her black skirt.

Zayn started to feel his dïck twitch when Niall started to get closer to his crotch. "Oh no" Zayn thought to himself.

As Niall started to kiss on Veronica's jaw and neck, he stopped on her collarbone and reached up to unbutton the first button of her blouse.

Zayn started to panic and the only thing he can do was push Niall away, so that's what he did.

Niall looked at Veronica in confusion "why'd you stop?"

"I-I'm sorry, I can't do this" Veronica said as she pulled down her skirt and buttoned up her blouse.

"Why not, its cause you have a boyfriend?" Niall said getting a tad angry.

"N-NO, I don't I-"

"But Louis told me you did"

"And yet you still kissed me?" Veronica shrieked. "I'm sorry I just can't" Veronica said as she walked towards the door.

Niall grabbed her wrist, stopping her from leaving. "but I think I love you" Veronica gasped as Niall said that.

"I'm sorry I just can't" Veronica said as she pulled back from Niall's grip and out the door.


Dun dun dun! Drama bomb! What will Veronica/Zayn do?!

New Cover, ya like? :)




- ZiallSmut


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