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"So you and that Ashton guy hooked up?" My best friend asked me, Nathalie.
"Yeah" I said and shook my head. "It was fucking amazing but I rather not do it again"
"Why? He's really rich though Ariana, imagine how much money you could get, he would be your sugar daddy! You could be a sugar baby!" She said, a bit too loud. Mr. Devon looked over at us with a stern look. I hate Mr. Devon. He is old, annoying and hates me.
"Oh shut up Nat, I don't want a sugar daddy, I want a good boyfriend. You know I'm picky. Also Ashton is just here to sell his mansion his dad owns, he's going back to his other mansion in L.A"
"Nathalie and Ariana. I would have to ask you to leave this class if you don't stop talking" Oh fuck off Mr. Devon. My grades cannot be worse than they already are. I hate school. I hate my town. I hate my friends. I hate my life. Everything is so boring in Skagway.
That is the reason I took a chance with Ashton, he is 7 years older, really attractive, really different and really weird. And he was attracted to me. Sadly it did not work out. 

Me and Nathalie are friends, but because she is my only friend here I call her my best friend. I am not hers though. She has got a lot of other friends. I am just the weird one that follows the group and talks a bit too loud when I do not agree to something. The fact that Ashton wanted me and not the other girls made them mad at me. I do not even have a group to follow. I only have Nathalie in my classes but on our breaks she leaves me. Amazing life. I know.


"Is Ariana Greenwich in this class?" I turned my head fast. It was the principle. It's never good when the principle comes here himself. I stood up, brought my stuff and looked at Nathalie for a second. She looked worried. I walked after him to his office. I got in and suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I turned around and saw Ashton's smiling face. I had not seen him in a year and three months. I counted. 

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked. I wanted to cry, I felt so happy to see him again.
"Don't get scared or whatever, but I basically haven't been able to sleep for about a year because you were always on my mind. Thought it would get better but I just could not stand it anymore so here I am" He said. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him down to my lips and kissed him. I think I am in love.
Me and Ashton ended up on a restaurant and we called it a date. We talked for hours, he had a drink and he let me have some of it. I cannot drink yet. I am way too young. He followed me home, kissed me sweetly and left. I am in love.


"Do you want to move to LA with me? I already talked to your parent, they think you would feel better in a big city away from everyone here you know." He said where we were sitting on my sofa. Ashton has been staying here in Skagway for a month now. A lot of cuddles and kisses. Sex? No. My parents love him. He is really good at being polite around them. They also see that I am finally happy.
"Are you serious?" I asked, I cannot believe this. I got a chance to get out of here. He nodded.
"We can go whenever you want, I have a big flat, a room for you. We can fix it however you want it to look and we'll find a school for you so you can finish your studies. And all you need to do is say yes." He looked at me. He looked really nervous.
"YES? Oh my god! We are moving in with each other!" He jumped up and dragged me up from the sofa. He hugged me and we laughed.
I am getting out from here. I am moving to LA with my friend. My best friend, Ashton Irwin. 


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