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"I'm so nervous Ashy..." I said and looked at the clothing I will have later today.
"Everything will be okay Ari, I will be there, and Calum will be too" He said sitting in my bed. Calum and Ashton has been together a lot, Calum has stayed over and having more than one person in the apartment has made me feel safe. I still sleep with the door open and he does to.
"I'm going out to get some food, ok?" He said and I nodded. I was going to take a shower and then fix makeup and stuff that I would later take off because it will look horrible.
My phone started to vibrate, I looked at the display. 'Mikey'. I answered.
"Hi mikey"
"Hi Ari, What's up" he asked and I sat down on my bed.
"I'm just getting ready for my graduation"
"Wait, is that today? What time? Where should I be? Why didn't I know this?" He Said really fast. I laughed,
"It's at my highschool at about 3, you can talk to Ashton or Calum and they'll tell you when and where they'll be" I said.
"Alright, I will let you get ready, I will see you later. Be ready for my hug attack" he said and laughed at his own joke. I giggled.
"Alright, see you later Mikey. I'll make sure I'm ready don't worry" I said and then we Said goodbye and hung up.
I smiled and went to the bathroom, I had a shower, brushed my teeth, blow-dried my hair and curled it just a bit. I went to my room, got dressed and fixed my makeup, and it was horrible as I thought I removed everything and just used some powder, mascara and eyeliner, with just a bit of highlighter.
Ashton got back about 30 mins before we had to go with some food, I couldn't eat. I was so nervous. Ashton was cuddling Calum on the sofa. They basically are a couple, but Calum isn't ready to date him for real yet, his parents aren't really ok with homosexual people so it would cause problems.
"Ari, get ready and we'll go" He said and that's what I did.

I was crying. My friends were crying. I even saw my teachers cry. I will miss it.
After all our goodbyes I started to walk to the place I was going to meet Ashton and Calum. When I got there I saw Michael, and... Luke. With a girl. Ashton ran up to me and carried me up and swung me around while hugging me tight.
"I'm so proud of you sweetheart" He said and I smiled.
He let me down and let go, Calum was close after Ashton and gave me a hug.
"Ariii" I heard Michael call so I shouted "Mikeyyy" back and ran over to him. He gave me a big hug and laughed. It felt good having them in my life.
I looked over at Luke. He looked really awkward where he was standing with his girlfriend beside him.
"Let's go to our apartment and celebrate our unemployed!" Ashton said and pushed me. I laughed and I pushed back.
"Twat" I said and walked with them, with a wide smile on my lips.
"We can't join you since it's my brothers' birthday today and I don't have time for this" Luke's girlfriend said. Rude.
"Oh, C'mon Pamela, stop being such a bitch and let Luke hang out with his friends for once" Calum said and Pamela got mad.
Luke sighted and took her to the side, I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I saw she was annoyed.
She walked in the opposite direction and Luke walked back to us.
"Did she breakup with you again?" Michael asked.
"No I just said I wanted to be with you guys tonight" he said and turned to me. "Now I can hug you and say congratulations"
He walked closer to me and gave me a big hug. I had my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for everything Luke"
"What?" he pulled away from the hug.
"You have saved me twice and I have never said thank you" he smiled really wide and hugged me again.
"Woah, that's enough Luke" Ashton said, took my hand and dragged me in to the car, he had the Ferrari today, so the other guys had to go with Luke or Michael.
"Luke have a girlfriend" Ashton said when he started the car.
"I do know that."
He looked at me with his 'You know what I feel about guys around you' face and I just grinned.

We got to the apartment and I got out of the car. I closed the car door and looked over at Luke's car parked by the side of the road. Suddenly Ashton threw me over his shoulder.
"Ashton no!!" I screamed, but he just laughed. The others laughed too and I was banging his back with my hands.
He slapped my ass. "ASHTON FLETCHER IRWIN" I shouted and he stopped.
"I've said you can't mention my middle name" He said in panic.
He turned around. "Fletcher is the cutest thing I've ever heard" Calum said. Ashton dropped me on the ground and I landed on my butt. He angrily walked upstairs and Calum just watched him walk away. Ashton hates his middle name more than anything. Mostly because his dads name was Fletcher and he hated his father. His father may have made him a millionaire now but that doesn't change the things his dad did to him or his mother.
Michael helped me up. My foot was hurting and my hands were bleeding a bit.
"Are you ok?" he asked and I nodded.
"Stupid Ashton and his shitty middle name..." I said and brushed sand off my jeans. Luke stood in front of me and looked confused.
"What's wrong with his name?" He asked and I started walking inside.
"Long story" I just said and tried to not walk on my left foot too much, Luke came up to me and put his arm around my waist. I put my arm around his back, because he's so tall and he helped me to the elevator. He didn't leave my side and I didn't mind.
I looked over at Calum, he looked really sad.
"Cal, it's okay, it's my fault he got mad, he likes you don't worry" I said and he looked up and nodded.
We got up to my apartment and Michael held the door open for me and Luke, we walked in and Ashton was sitting on the sofa looking at something on his phone. When we got in he looked up, if looks could kill, me and Luke would be dead now.
I just gave him the middle finger and started to walk to my room with Luke by my side. I sat down on my bed and he sat down beside me.
"Why does he hate his name that much..?" Luke asked while I took my shoes off.
I sighted, "His dad was a duche, he did punch him, locked him in the closet when Ashton did something wrong, burns, punches, cutting.. He treated Ashton really badly Luke... And it was even worse for his mother. When Fletcher died everyone thought Ashton killed him, and to be honest, I've started to think he actually did kill him" When I stopped talking I looked up at him and he was staring at the floor.
"So yea, tough childhood" I said. Ashton opened the door and looked at us.
"We're going to play that game, want to join?" I nodded and stood up, Ashton took my hand and dragged me out of the room.

30 minutes later and we we're playing my favourite game, Ludo. We had been playing for a while and still no one has got to the middle. We were in 4 different teams, Luke green, Michael red, Calum blue and me and Ashton yellow. For this whole time Ashton has been siting really close to me, and his hand haven't left my knee for these past 30 minutes while looking at Luke a bit too often.
Pow, Lukes tokens was pushed back to the player's yard by me and Ashton.
"Ha! It's not going too well for Luke over there" Ashton said and grinned. Luke pushed all his tokens off the board.
"I fucking give up" He said and laid back against the backrest of his armchair. I took his tokens up from the floor and threw the dice, I got a 6 and moved two of Luke's tokens out. I threw the dice again, I got a 5, I moved one and gave the dice to Michael.
"Ari, that was Lukes" Ashton said.
"I changed teams" I said and smiled at Luke.
We won.
"HOW DARE YOU CHANGE TEAMS" Ashton screamed when me and Luke got our last token to the middle. I laughed and pushed him a bit.
"Ashyy, honey don't be mad" I said and grinned. He's the worst loser in the world. Michael started to fade away, he had a lot of beers and was starting to fall asleep. I looked over at Calum while Ashton and Luke were making fun out of Michael. Calum was just staring at his hands and I saw a tear roll down from his cheek. I poked Ashton's side to get his attention, I whispered that he should check on Calum, he looked over and moved fast close to him.
"What's up?" He asked carefully and Calum just broke down, crying loudly.
Ashton took him with him in to his room and closed his door, Michael was long gone. And there we were. Me and Luke alone.
"So.." Luke said after a few seconds of silence. I looked up at him and it looked like he was thinking about something.
"Can you explain something for me?" he asked quietly. I nodded and he looked up.
"Okay, so what's happening between Cal and Ashton..? Like, you and Ashton have been dating for years and you're totally fine with them... doing stuff" He said.
"Me and Ashton aren't together Luke"
"Wait what?"
"He's my roommate, he's my brotha from another motha" I said and giggled a bit.
"Wait, now I'm confused, you held hands and he tells you he loves you all the time and the way he looked at me when I helped you up earlier made me fear for my life" He said and looked genuinely confused.
"Yeah, he don't like me around guys, friends or not friends, he hates it. I've lost count in how many guys he have made too scared to talk to me" I said.
"Oh..." He said.
"Don't worry, he would never do anything, he have never done anything" I said and he nodded. "Just ignore his threats"
"What's wrong with Calum by the way" I asked and he shrugged.
"I don't know, he get different personalities when he's drunk, usually he's flirty and horny Calum, but sometimes he's angry Calum or sad Calum, and I guess he's sad Calum tonight, he might be jealous, he cries when he's jealous, and the only way to make him stop crying when that happens is to either cuddle him or give him what he wants"
"You've known him for a long time huh?" I asked.
"Yea" He said with a small laugh that was more like he breathed out. "Since 5th grade".
It got silent. Not an awkward silence, just silent. I could hear Michael's small snores and Calum's muffled cries from Ashton's room.
"It's late" Luke said. I nodded. "Can you drive?"
"I can but no licence and don't feel like paying a fine" I answered.
"How far is it?" I asked.
"ten kilometres"
"You can sleep here" I said.
"Where?" He asked and looked at me.
"Well I feel bad for giving you the sofa to sleep in, but if you knew what Calum and Ashton did in my bed you would choose the sofa" I said and he giggled a bit.
"I guess I'll take the sofa then" he said and smiled tiredly.
I fixed a better pillow and a cover and also put a blanket over Michael and said goodnight to
Luke. I went in to my room, but did not close the door. I hate sleeping with a closed door.

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