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I heard a knock on the door. I opened and Luke walked in with a big cake.
"Uhm, Luke what are you doing?"
"We're having a party for Mikey here"
"Who said that??"
Ashtons head popped out from the bathroom.
"I said what?"
"That Luke is having a party here for Mikey" I said.
"I never said that"
"Ariana said it was okay" Luke then said and me and Ashton looked at each other really confused.
Luke smiled, left the cake on the table and ran out.
Me and Ashton shook our heads and smiled. I took the cake to the kitchen and put it in the fridge. It was a cute cake, chocolate on the sides and on the top it was cream and sprinkles. Luke came in to the door again with a huge stuffed animal, a huge cat. It was almost as tall as me.
"Luke what the fuck?" I said and walked up behind him.
"Isn't it cute? I designed it myself and just picked it up at the store. I bet you haven't even bought anything for him" He said and pushed me a bit. Fuck. He's right.
"Oh wait, you actually haven't?" He said. "Don't worry, I'll drive you to Target if you help me pimp up your apartment" He said and I nodded with a big smile on my face.
It took one hour, then it was perfect. A text of 'Happy Birthday' was hanging from the sealing, and it was confetti and glitter everywhere.

"What's the plan for tonight then?" I asked Luke while walking around in target.
"Well, we're going to get drunk" He said.
"But you don't drink" I reminded him.
"I wont, but you guys will" He said.
I just nodded and smiled at him. He had a grey beanie on and a red flanell shirt. Shit that human being is beautiful.

"Uhm, Ari.. Why are you stairing at me?"
I snapped out of my stare and saw that he was smiling at me. I looked away and started to blush. Why the fuck am I blushing?
He stroke my cheek mumbled "Cute" really quietly and started to walk away. What was that?
"Don't call me that, I'm cool not cute" I said when I catched up to him.
He shook his head while smiling and dragged me in to a section of video games.
We walked out from target with a huge bag of stuff. You can't walk in to target without buying everything. We got in the car and Luke started it.

"Pamela asked if we could get married" He said when we were halfway home. I should be happy for him but it just felt like a knife stabbed me right in the chest.
"What did you say?"
"Told her that I was going to think about it, what do you think I should do?" He asked me.
"I don't know, when I asked you a few weeks ago if you loved her and you didn't know, maybe you should wait" I said and looked at him. He nodded slowly.
"Yea, she will kill me though, she have looked at dresses and told her friends we're getting married" He said. That made me so annoyed.
"What is wrong with her? That's not fair to you at all, that's pressing you into marriage" I said. He didn't answer. I understand Calum more and more for what he said about Pamela when we first met. No one except Pamela and Luke's mother would be happy. Not even Luke.

We stopped outside of the apartment and I got out of the car, I took the stuff and went upstairs, Luke came after me. Calum was in our apartment when I got in.
"Hi Cal" I said and went in to the kitchen.
"ARIANA WHERE THE HELL IS MY FANCY SHIRT?" Ashton shouted from my room.
"FOUND IT; I KNEW YOU TOOK IT" He shouted back.
He walked in to the kitchen and smiled. He kissed my cheek and forehead and jumped up on the counter.
"What did you get for Mikey?" He asked and took a banana.
"A game, Luke said he would like it" I answered and stood up in front of him.
Luke walked in and hugged Calum.
"What's the plan now then, how will we get Mikey here?" Ashton asked.
"Me and Ari will go to his house and pick him up, I hope none of you have said happy birthday to him" Luke said. Everyone shook their head.
"Good, because we don't know it's his birthday alright?" Luke said again and now we nodded.

I wrapped the presents for the guys and also wrote small stuff on the cards for everyone.
Luke walked in to my room.
"Hi, I've got a problem" He said.
"What's up?"
"Pamela told me she was going to come" Luke said.
"Oh, alright, is that the problem?"
"Yes, because Michael don't really like her"
"Tell her she can't come" I just said and kept writing.
"She will be mad"
"Well that's her problem that's she's spoiled, isn't it" I said, I probably sounded annoyed.
"Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded. He sat down with me on the floor and read the things I wrote on the presents.
"It's cute" He said and smiled.
"So what are you going to do with Pamela?"
"I don't know, would you mind if she came here?" He asked and looked me in the eyes. To be honest I don't want her in my apartment. I don't want her around me at all. Well not around Luke. When she is around Luke get different, he never leave her side and don't even talk to me.
"Uhm, ask Ashton. It's his apartment" I just said and looked down. Luke got up and walked out to Ashton and Calum.

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