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"Ashy, can you come here for a minute please?" I called from my room.
"What do you want Ari?" he said while standing in my doorway with just boxers on.
"Help me with my homework....." I said and looked down in my math book.
He laughed and laid down beside me on my bed.
"Math, my favourite..." he said and sighed. "Ari, I finished school 6 years ago, you need to start doing your homework yourself!"
"I know, but I finish in 3 weeks and this is to see how good I am at math, so Mr. Woods can put a grade on me" I explained and rolled over to my back and looked up at the sealing.
"So... I'm basically making your final test for math?" He asked and I nodded.
"Mr. Woods is an old and confused man, he doesn't make good decisions, letting me do the biggest and most important test at home without anyone making sure I'm not cheating."
"He's hot though, he's not an old man" Ashton said while answering all the math problems, I sat up and looked at him.
"He's like 35 Ashton!! Ew" I said disgusted.
"And I am 24, I don't see the problem here" he said without even looking at me.
"It's 15 years between you Ash, that's the problem!"
Now he looked up and laughed, "I understand why you need help with math now, 11 sweetheart, 11 years between us", he grinned.
"But you get it! You can't be with my teacher" I said and hit his back.
He laughed and shook his head again.
"Chill sweetheart, I won't touch him" He said and closed the book.
"Are you already done?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes, now, bring your dirty clothes and we'll go downstairs and wash the clothes" he said and slapped my ass.
"Ouch! Twat" I yelled at him while he ran out of my room.
I took my 'Dirty laundry'- Basket with me and went out with Ashton.
"Please, just a sip!" I begged.
"No, Ari, I promised your parents to not let you do anything illegal, and with you being under 21 you can't drink, fixing you in here is bad enough" he said and held his beer tight.
"My parents live in Alaska! They won't know" I said and gave him my amazing puppy eyes. It didn't work.
"Ari, stop it now"
"Fine" I said and looked around. I was mad now, Ashton always think I'm such a child. I'm not, I can handle alcohol, I'm 17 not 12.
"I'm going to the bathrooms" I said and walked into the crowd before Ashton could stop me. I walked through many sweaty bodies until I finally reached the girls bathroom. Not that it matters now anyway, no one cares what gender they are at clubs.

I went inside and went to the sinks and the mirrors. I washed my hands, checked my makeup and fixed my hair again. Well, it's not a lot to fix, I only use mascara and eyeliner.
"Ey, hottie"
I looked behind me in the mirror, a man was standing there, all in black, pretty big, he looks to be in his early thirties. His eyes were a bit slow, he was drunk.
I ignored him and was about to walk out when he grabbed my wrist. Panic welled through me. "Please let me go.." I said.
"But sweetie, I want to be with you now" he said and pulled me in. Fuck. I tried to get away from him. Pictures in my head started to get back. I started to cry. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. We started to walk to a stall, it's over. It will happen again. I repeatedly told him to let go. He didn't listen.
"Let the girl go" I heard someone say. I looked up and saw another guy. His hair was blonde, he had black ripped jeans and a Kurt Cobain shirt on.
"Excuse me? What do you want kid" the drunk guy said and kept walking.
"She doesn't want to go with you, can't you tell, retard?" The blonde guy said and walked closer to us. I started to hit his back and try to get out of his grip. He finally let go just a slight bit and I slipped out and backed off.
"Bitch, get back her-"The guy started till the blonde guy got a grip around his throat and pushed him up against the wall. The blonde guy basically yelled at him. "If you ever, touch another girl without her wanting it, I promise I will find out and kick your skull in. Understand?" When he hesitated the blonde guy hit the big guys head against the wall again, "Understand?".
"y-yes" He shuttered.
"Good, now leave", He let go and the guy ran off. I was sitting at the floor shaking. The pictures in my head was so clear now. I could feel Daniels disgusting lips against my skin, I was screaming, but no one could hear, the belt my hands was tied with hurt a lot. His hands were dry against my body and my tears was burning against my che-.
"Are you ok?" I looked up fast, I saw the blonde guy come closer, I pressed my back against the wall. He can't come close right now. He really can't touch me.
"ssh, don't worry, I won't touch you, I'll stay right here ok? Are you here alone?" he asked and looked at me. I shook my head.
"I need Ashton" I said, my voice was shaky.
"I can't leave you here, do you have your phone with you?" he asked. I took my phone out of my pocket and slid it over to him. He found Ashton's contact and called. I heard him explain where we was, but I couldn't focus.

After a minute Ashton flew in to the room. I stood up and ran into his arms.
"What happened sweetheart?" He asked me and rubbed my back. When I didn't answer he looked over at the guy.
"A guy tried to take her with him without her permission" he said. Ashton sighed and hugged me closer.
"It's okey, I'm here now Ari, you're safe" Ashton said and kissed the top of my head.
"You guys should go home, is it far?" The guy asked.
"Only 10 minutes on a bus, we'll be alright" Ashton answered and took my hand in his.
"I don't think your girl want to be on a bus right now, I have a car" he said and looked at Ashton.
"I think we'll be alr-"Ashton started till I whispered "Please Ashy... I don't wanna meet more people".
Ashton down at me, and then the guy and nodded.
We followed the blonde one out of the toilet, Ashton held my hand hard.
"I just need to find my friend Ca-, Oh there he is" the guy went over to a guy with black hair and tanned skin. He was really drunk, it made me feel uncomfortable so I stepped closer to Ashton. We went out to the parking lot and went to a car, it was a black Camaro.
He opened the back door and laid his friend down in the backseat.
"You two can sit in the front"
We sat down, me in Ashton's lap.
"Luke" said the guy before he started the car. "Calum" said he again and pointed back at his friend who was already asleep.
"Ashton and Ariana" Ashton said while I was playing with his fingers that was placed on my stomac.

We drove down the street, Ashton gave Luke our address. I could feel myself close to crying again. I sobbed quietly.
"You ok Ariana?" Luke asked and I looked up at him, it was the first time I actually really looked at him, his blue eyes was shining in the dark with the help from the streetlights, and his hair was a bit messy but still looked good. I shrugged and looked down again.
We got home after 5 minutes and he stopped at our door.
We got out of the car. "Thank you for the ride Luke..." Ashton said and Luke just nodded.
Right before he closed the door Luke said, "Uhm, Ariana, take care."
I smiled and we went upstairs and he drove away.
I couldn't stop wondering if we would meet again.
And it's out.

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