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"C'mon Ashy" I shouted from where I was standing in the doorway. We were going to pick Luke up today. It has been a week since everything happened. Ashton has been really down since then. He barely smiles.
He walked out of his room with his car keys in his hand.
We walked downstairs. He actually looked less depressed today. Maybe, just maybe everything will turn out good again. We got in to our car, Calum was already there with Luke.
We drove up to the hospital. Luke's hair was getting back. He had a huge smile on his lips. I got out of the car as soon as it stopped, I walked up to him and gave him a huge hug. I have missed him so much.
We let go of each other and Luke looked at Ashton behind me. Ashton walked up to Luke and hugged him. Luke hugged back. They whispered something to each other and then smiled.
"It looks like we're having a happy ending after all" I said and giggled.

We got home and Michael came over to our flat to celebrate.
"I can't believe you actually kissed" Michael said while me and Luke sat really awkwardly next to each other.
"Yea yea, we know amazing, let's watch a movie or something" Ashton said and I actually agreed. Me and Luke haven't been talking about our kiss since when we mentioned it in the hospital the first morning.
We started a movie and I sat beside Luke. It felt so good to have him back. I just wish we would just start dating. I mean, I really like him. I might even call it love. But not yet. He likes me, he told me he had feelings for me. But how do you get together?
"Are you okay there Ari?" Luke asked quietly. I looked up at his face, his beautiful face and nodded. He took my hand and smiled. He stroke my cheek with his other hand and I blushed.
"Why are you two so cute? Stop it!" Michael said and we both looked at him.
"Stop watching us you creep" Luke said and he rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit.

Michael slept on the sofa and Calum with Ashton. I still had Luke's bed next to mine in my room. We said goodnight to Michael and went in to my room. I changed clothes and got in bed. Luke scratched his neck and looked really nervous where he was standing in the middle of my room.
"Uhm, I was thinking that I maybe could sleep in your bed tonight?" He asked and blushed a bit. I just moved to the side and opened my cover up for him to get under it. He smiled and sat down next to me.
"Want to watch some YouTube videos?" I asked and got my MacBook up from the floor.
"Yes, let's watch Shane" He said and I nodded.
We started to watch the 'Drunk Boyfriend Tag' with Shane and Ryland.
"They are so cute together" He said.
"I know right! They are perfect together"
He laid down and I looked over at him. He told me to lay down too. My head was on his chest. We continued to watch clips on YouTube. I could feel my eyelids getting heavier. I tried to stay awake, but I could not.
I could see him closing my computer and putting it away. I closed my eyes. The last thing I felt was Luke's lips against my forehead.


"This is where we met" Luke said and I looked up at him through the mirror. We were at the club that me and Ashton went to when Luke saved me. The same bathroom. I smiled a bit.
"It's crazy, so much has happened in just a year" I said and turned around. He smiled at me and kissed my lips softly.
It has been two weeks since Luke got back from the hospital. Michael actually got us together. He saw the tension between us, a good tension. We just really wanted to kiss each other to be honest. And we did when Michael basically screamed at us to kiss already. Oh yeah, Ashton. He is not himself anymore. He smiles and seems happy, but I have known him for a really long time now. I know that it is all an act. I have tried to talk to him, but he keeps shutting me out. He only talks to Calum, and Calum never tell me anything anymore. I have basically lost my best friend.
"Ari" Luke said and looked at me a bit worried.
"Oh sorry, just got stuck in my thoughts" I said and stood between his legs where he was leaned against the wall with his hands on my hips.
"What were you thinking about sweetie?" He asked kissing my forehead.
"Just Ashton"
"What's up with Ashton?"
"Nothing, don't worry. Let's get a drink yea?" I said and took his hand in mine. We walked through all the people to get to the bar. We found Ashton and Calum sitting at a table talking. It was the first time in weeks that I saw Ashton genuinely happy. That is until he saw me and Luke together.
I sat down beside Ashton while Luke went to get me a drink, because I cannot get it myself. I rested my head on Ashton's shoulder and held his bicep.
He gave me a small smile. It was real this time, but he still looked sad. I believe that Ashton is depressed. I have always had the feeling that he is, but now I am almost hundred percent sure. He has always been happy with me, but everyone break down sometimes and when he did it was bad. Crying for hours and he stayed sad for about a week after the breakdown. Like now.
"Me and Calum was planning on going to San Francisco in a few days, just for a week" Ashton said and moved some hair out of my face with a fond smile on his lips.
"Oh that's really nice, are you taking him to our favourite place?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're having the suite" He said and Calum blushed a bit for some reason. I smiled. Calum look at Ashton with so much love. He is an amazing boyfriend, Ashton has not been himself the past month but Calum stays by his side and loves him.
Luke sat down beside Calum and handed me my drink.
"Ari, you know what I think about you drinking like this" Ashton said with a stern voice.
"Ashy, I wont leave your side until we go home, okay?" I said and he nodded slowly. I drank my drink and talked to the guys for hours. We all got a bit drunk, except Luke.
We drove home. Ashton and Calum in the back seat and Luke and me in the front. I looked at Luke and he looked at me. His eyes shined with the help of the streetlights. He is beautiful. And he is my boyfriend.

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