Chapter Thirteen

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My father wheels me out of the hospital with the wheelchair, and we see over a hundred camera crews outside of the hospital. “Brittany, what exactly happened?” Some newswoman asks me. I look around me and than at my dad and I start to cry. He holds me close and I see Robert and Luke running up to us. They start shooing away the camera people away from me although it’s not working out too well. I look at my father and he takes his phone out. “Don’t make me call the cops.” He says to the reporters. They don’t move a muscle and keep asking me questions. Two minutes later, the security of the hospital come out shooing everyone away. We get to the car and my father pulls out of the parking lot speeding back to our house.

            “Are you sure you want to go back to school sweet heart? It’s up to you.” My father asks me on the way home from the hospital.

            “Yes, there’s only a month left, and I’m going to need my diploma, I don’t want to be a high school drop out.” I say and he nods.

            “That’s my girl.” He says ruffling my hair and I laugh. “And are you sure about Luke?” He asks.

            “Yes, dad, I’m positive about Luke. If he didn’t really love me he wouldn’t have come to the hospital crying his eyes out.” I say. “It’s going to be hard, I know, but I have to deal with it.”

            “I’m so proud of you sweetheart. You don’t know how proud I am.” He says pulling into the driveway. He helps me get into the house and into my room. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when dinner is ready.” He says kissing my forehead.

            After dinner, I go back to sleep since I’m going back to school the next day and I want to look pretty.

            “Brittany, wake up.” Someone whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and see Luke in my face. “Good morning sunshine.” He says with a smile.

            “What time is it?” I ask.

            He looks at his watch and looks back at me. “It’s almost seven.” He says and I jump out of bed. I try to walk on my leg but it starts to shake. Great I forgot my leg is sprained. He picks me up and walks me to the sink.  “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs. Don’t take too long we can’t be late on your first day back.” He says.

            I walk into my room and get on my summer dress and flip-flops. I would wear heels but I’m in crutches and I don’t want to end up in the hospital again. I do my makeup flawless and get to the stairs. “Luke, I need help getting down the stairs.” I yell from the top. He runs up to me and helps me to his car. “Thank you.” I say getting into the passenger seat.

            “Don’t mention it.” He says turning on the radio.

            We pull up to the school and I see a few camera people and paparazzi at the entrance. Luke ushers me through the back doors like he did a while back. Everyone looks up at me and start to whisper. I look at Luke and he shrugs. “They’re all just worried about you. That’s all.” He whispers in my ear adjusting my book bag that his hung on his back

            “I’m not sure if I could do it.” I whisper. He kisses my head.

            “I’m sure you’re not, but I know you’re a strong girl. You could do it. Just ignore everyone.” He says walking me through the halls.

            All of Luke’s friends run up to us. “I’m so sorry about what happened are you okay?” They ask me and I nod.

            “I’m fine, really. Don’t worry.” I say to them and they all smile and give me hugs. The bell rings and we all walk our separate ways to class. Luke had managed to arrange his classes so that we have all classes together.

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