Chapter Nineteen

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When I wake up the next morning I decide to watch the DVD that Lauren gave me. Once it starts I hear Luke move around in bed. “Could you lower it please?” He asks trying to get back to sleep.

            “Sorry can’t.” I say to him and he opens one eye.

            “And why can’t you?” He asks sitting up, rubbing the sleepiness away from his eyes.

            “Because of the fact that I want you to watch this with me.” I say to him while it loads.

            “Fine I’ll watch it with you but I’m going back to sleep after it.” He says and I agree.

            The video starts with Lauren and Jessica on a plane ride.

            “What are you excited for when we get to L.A?” Lauren asks to Jessica.

            “Famous people.” She says excitedly.

            “Who are you looking forward to seeing?” She asks.

            “Brittany.” She replies easily.

            “Brittany Spears?” Lauren says surprised.

            “Like I have an opportunity like that.” She says sadly.

            “Then Brittany who?”

            “The YouTube girl. I don’t her last name but her father has a hotel, I think.”

            “Calasto, that Brittany?” She says with a laugh.

            “Yeah, I really want to meet her. She has a beautiful voice. She has one video. One.” She screams. “I want her to make more. She’s so nice.”

            “How do you know she’s nice, you don’t know her.”

            “I could tell mama. I could tell. Did you not see how bad she was crying in her video? You could tell she cares for her friend.”

            “Well your wish might come true.” Lauren says with a smile in her voice. “You should get some sleep.” She says covering Jessica with her blanket.

            I pause the video and look at Luke. “That was the cutest thing ever.” I say chuckling. “She’s so adorable.”

            Luke kisses my cheek and smiles. “She thinks I’m only your friend.” He says. I play the video again and it comes to the point at where I first met her. I open my mouth wide that I didn’t notice her mom recording us. It blacks out and comes back to during dinner. It stops and comes back one once I step out of the backstage.

            “Oh my God, she’s performing live. And I’m watching her.” She says crying out. She starts to dance in her seat excitedly. When I start to walk around the stage I stop at her table and take her hand. She starts squealing and laughing as I turn her a circle like a princess. Once the song ends I see myself running backstage to get water or something. I walk back out sitting on the edge of the stage letting my feet dangle. I start to sing Wanted, who I dedicated to Luke, obviously. But what I didn’t expect was to get the reaction from everyone. I forgot that I got a standing ovation. I forgot that people i

            I close the laptop and stand up. “Where are you going?” Luke asks standing up with me.

            “To go talk to Lauren, and Jessica.” I say getting dressed into my white shorts, that has mint green stud, and gold sequins covering most of the front. I go through my shoes, and decide to wear heels. I end up putting on my mint green bow heels, which are so cute. My father just got me them a few days ago. I wear a mint green chiffon button down. I complete the outfit with some makeup, doing my eye shadow and all. I put my hair into a tight ponytail not wanting to waste any more time before I leave. “Are you coming with me?” I ask him about to leave.

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