Chapter Three

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A/N- Picture on the side is of Joe Calasto. Played by Adrian Pasdar          

  My father takes me to the mall so we could go shopping and he ends up buying me a thousand dollars’ worth of clothes knowing I have to start fresh. “So what about this Luke guy? You never invited a guy over on your first day of school.”

            “I don’t know, I guess he was the first person that talked to me, and he was so sweet.” I say and he smiles.

            “I like him, and that’s hard for me to say but I hope to see more of him.”

            “You will.” He starts the car and I put all my bags in the car.

            Right when we get home, he starts to get ready for work and I get ready for the party. Luke texts me to let me know he’s coming at six. I wear a sequins dress with black wedges and leave my hair curly.

            He knocks on the front door and I open it. “You look cute.” He says and I smile.

            “Thank you, but hold on let me just put on the alarm.” I say, and he waits at the door. We get to the car and his eyes are on the road the whole time.

            “Just in case anybody asks tonight, we’re just friends.” He lets me know.

            “Duh.” I say and he lets out a little laugh. He stops by a gas station to fill up his car and someone walks out of the gas station to say hi to him.

            “Hey, what’s up?” The kid asks and Luke turns around to hug the kid, not the girly hugs, but in a man friendly way. “How’s it going?”

            “It’s going good, on my way to Chloe’s party.” He says and the kid looks into the car.

            “And who’s this pretty lady?” He says and I blush.

            “This is Brittany, she just moved here from New York.” Luke looks at me, and smiles. “But the party is going to start, I can’t be late.” He says letting the kid go back to work.

            “Who was that?” I ask and Luke looks at me before pulling into Chloe’s driveway.

            “He’s just an old friend from camp.” He says opening the door. We walk in together and everyone looks at us. Chloe runs up to me and hugs me.

            “I’m so glad you came, follow me.” She says making her way to the kitchen. A few kids are drinking and laughing not knowing what to say. We pass a few rooms and stop at the back door. She walks into the backyard where everyone is dancing, a cup in their hands and I look around like a lost puppy. Someone jumps into the pool and I start to laugh. “I’ll have to find everyone I want you to meet. You want to follow me, or should I bring them to you?”

            “I’ll come with you.” I say following behind her. Some man is at the barbeque heating up some burgers and steaks. She walks me up to him and introduces him as her father.

            “Have you seen your mother, I can’t seem to find her anywhere.” He says with a smile.

            “No, but when I do see her I’ll let you know you’re looking for her.” She tells him walking away. “My sisters are mad chill, they should be here somewhere.” She says.

            Luke spots me and says something to his friends. He walks my way and Chloe notices so she tells me she’ll find them and bring them to me. “Wanna dance?” He says taking my hand.

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