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"NO NO NO!!!" Hoseok screamed.
"Whats wrong?" asked Jinwoo.
"Yoongi belongs with me not that fucking asshole." 
"I thought you wanted to be with me?" JInwoo asked.
"I don't want anything to do with you."
"You just used me?'
"No, i wanted to kiss you not date you, now help me get Yoongi back." Hoseok said.

Jimin and Jin were laying on their bed just talking.
"Yesterday was so cute, I'm jealous." Jimin said.
"Haha don't be, I'm sure when Yoongi asks you out it will be nice not better then mine but nice." Jin smiled. Jimin just rolled his eyes and laughed.
"You know you never told me how you got admitted into this hospital." Jimin said.
"I didn't?" Jin asked.
"Nooooo, so tell me." Jimin said.

"Um alright, well you know I'm 18, i still need to graduate but for my first 2 years of high school. i was dating this guy, his name was Ken, he was literally my everything, we would spend moments together just making out." Jin let out little giggled.
"Jimin do you know what its like to be in love?" Jim thought about Yoongi and smiled.
"Yes, i actually do."

"Well then you know what i mean when i say he was my everything, i mean it, he made me so happy, he would always take me out, he would treat me like his princess."
"What happened, did he break up with you?" Jimin asked.

"That would have been way better ." Jin had started to cry. So Jimin went to his bed and started to rub his arm.

"He killed himself, and i didn't even know he was dealing with shit, he left me a note, i was so hurt and angry , i blamed him for so long, then i blamed myself, i stopped eating, i would cut my thighs so no would see it i would beat myself up." Jimin had tears streaming down his face.

"My mom and dad notice that i was loosing quit a few pounds and started to worry about their perfect little son, so they took me to the doctor, they asked me how much i ate and i said never, they asked me some more serious questions and then they asked me if i wanted to kill myself, i said yes with no hesitation." Jin wiped his tears away with his pink hoodie sleeves.

"The first day i was here i took one of the techs pencils and slide it across my wrist, then the day after i didn't leave my room, except one day i went to go eat breakfast and Namjoon sat next to me, even though he has anger problems he smiles so brightly, he would talk to me every now and then, he just feeler this place in my heat that I knew was missing every since Ken died." Jin was smiling while crying.
"You know I never told anyone that, I always lied about why I came here." Jin said

"Awwwwwwwwwww, thats so sweet." Jimin said.
"What is?" Jin asked.
"You trust me." Jimin said. Jin just smiled

"You know i honestly like him a lot, like i never been happier." Namjoon said.
"Same, Jimin is so perfect." Yoongi said.
"Are you ever going to ask him out?'
"Yeah, but a little later i don't want Hoseok to do anything to him." Yoongi said.
"But he already has, plus Jimin can defend himself, he always has some smart remarks, its funny."

"I mean..."
"Or are you not ready to let go of Hoseok?" Namjoon asked.
"Its not that.'
"Then what is it?" Namjoon asked.

"Why would i help you, if i want you?" Jinwoo asked.
"Well you need to not, if you help me get Yoongi back, you'll get something in return."
"Like what?" Jinwoo asked.

"You"ll see." Hoseok said.

If they're any typos sorry because I typed this up on my computer and it doesn't really auto correct, so I'm sorry 🙂
Just if any of y'all don't know Jinwoo is JinJin from Astro!!

-----------------------------------------//A/N:If they're any typos sorry because I typed this up on my computer and it doesn't really auto correct, so I'm sorry 🙂 Just if any of y'all don't know Jinwoo is JinJin from Astro!!

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He's so cute!!😊😊😊

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He's so cute!!😊😊😊

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