Chapter 31: Part 2

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Author's Note:

And the Part 2 continues here. Hehe. XD Well, I really do hope you'll enjoy! :*

By the way, guys, I have a new fan fiction: it's called More Than This.

It's about Niall Horan and his best friend, Thalia who loves him more than best friends —but keeps on fighting back those feelings— but Niall's too dumb to realize it. Or rather, Niall feels the same way too but decided to fight the feeling because he doesn't want to ruin their friendship as well?

I hope you would check it out and will read it too! Please? Thank you sooooo. :)


Harry's POV

We broke the hug as soon as my phone buzzed inside my pocket. Bummer!

She stood there still, looking at me, as I fished my phone out. It was a call from Paul. I had to answer it.

"Harry, where're you?"

"I, I'm still with her." I replied, once more glancing at Zanessa.

"It's quarter to 11, we have to go now."

Oh, geez. "Oh, right, right. But, uhm, Paul?"


"Can I take her to her car first?"

"Hey, what car? I mean, I don't have that. I'll just ride a taxi." Zanessa intervened between the call.

"Shhh, I know. Just let me ..." I mouthed her.

"Sure but make it fast." He said and I nodded. He told me to make it fast because only Paul and I knew about this. It was our secret. I shouldn't be in that place in the first place but I begged at Paul and he agreed. I just actually sneaked out from a meeting about few announcements.

"Thanks." I replied and then we hung up.

"Harry, I don't have car. I'm going home alone, actually." Zanessa told me just right after I get my phone away from my ear.

"Whatever." I winked, placing my phone inside my pocket.

I told her that I have to leave and she agreed too, and since it was late, she had to go home as well. I asked her to stroll out of that parking lot out to the street and she nodded. 

And let's talk about strategies. While stomping out of the place, I carelessly and hesitantly slash a bit nervously grabbed her hand and intertwined to mine. She looked up at me, smiling.

As we were almost near the sidewalk, she saw a car parked there. And she saw a familiar person inside of it. Her bff, Iris Ann. And she was the one I was talking about. The friend I asked for help for this to happen, the friend I owe big time.

"Oh, god." She froze.

Zanessa's POV

This is too much. I said to myself. All this time, Iris, really?! I said once more, couldn't explain and couldn't believe what was happening.

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded for an answer from Iris. No, I wasn't mad at her. I just couldn't believe she did this to me. But I bet I was having an inbetween and neutral feeling that time. At the same time, I felt numb.

"Hi." She smiled at Harry and walked out of her car. They hugged and parted right after.

"Hi." Harry replied. "Thank you so much, Iris."

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