Chapter 30

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Zanessa's POV

Now, I, alongside with other backstage passers were assited by a personnel and told to follow her, and so we did. But that's when I realized that I'm going backstage without any of my friends. In the last minute, I hurriedly asked Iris about it and she told me that they did it on purpose. She told me that she personally thinks that it's time, whilst the other two wanted me to be happy again. It was touching because I never thought they would do this to me, especially Maureen and Abegail since they're fond of teasing me and I thought that they doesn't care about me wanting to see Harry again.

But honestly, I'm beyond scared if I  wont have a happy ending meeting Harry.

At the backstage now, I stood behind these excited fans. And later on, they started to scream and jump and freak out. I tiptoed to see whoever was walking on the hallway and yes, it's One Direction. They ran towards them but I was left there, calming myself. My knees began to shake and my heart's fastly pounding against my chest. Oh, God.

But this is it.

Harry's POV

As these backstage passers ran towards us, we began talking to them. Of course, they asked for autographs and pictures, and we gladly did. But something inside of me was bothering me and I found myself searching for someone else inside the room. I was wondering if that girl might be here, too. I hope so.

Thankfully, I finally saw her. But I had reassured myself that she was really the one I was looking for, and it was really her. She was talking to Niall and Liam. I got an eye towards the three of them because I was making sure I wont lose her in my sight while I was still with other fans. And just after a while, they exchanged goodbye smiles, suddenly making me to excuse myself just right then. And then, she was walking out. Why? Is that because she thought she already have talked to me? Or she forgot that she haven't talk to me yet?

I followed after her. I don't know what's my problem but myself to me that I had to stop her, and I did so.

We're now facing each other and I realized I was wrong, I should not stop her. I thought of the reason why she didn't finish meeting the five of us and I thought maybe she didn't want to meet me. And even the simpliest slash dumbest reason I think why she already walked out was maybe because she was in a hurry. But there's no time of regret it now. I have stopped her already and we're now facing each other.

"Hi." I uttered hesistantly.

"Hi." She shyly replied, glancing at me but looked away immediately.

"Uhm ..." I said. I've never been this stutter like this before. "Finally."

"What?" She sounded pretty stunned there, her eyebrows furrowing. But I actually find it cute. What a familiar gesture though.

I was almost going to answer her but Paul Higgins, our closest security guard friend interrupted the moment.

"Harry ..." He called me up as he was heading to our direction. I glanced at him and he was gesturing to come towards him. And so I did.

"Uhm, can I excuse myself for a while?" I asked-told the girl in front of me. And she nodded. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Huh?! Oh, uhm, I, I'm Zanessa." Bang! That name sounded beautifully so familiar in my ear.

"I'll be right back. Wait me here, please?"



As I was now with Paul, I was told to talk to the rest of the fans out there. Oops, I totally forgot about them because of her. I didn't mean to and I don't have any intention to snob our fans, it's just, I forgot about them. And with that thought, I suddenly feel that I am the rudest person right now. I shrugged that thought and once again followed what Paul asked me to do.

But just before I moved on to another fan or fans, I went back to Zanessa.

"Hi." Now, she had that smile on her face.

"Hi. Would you mind if I'll meet other fans?"

"Of couse. Sure, just go." She replied. "So, uhm, I think I'll just go ahead now."

"No, don't!" I said all of a sudden. What?!


"I mean, don't go just yet, Zanessa, please? I still want to talk to you."

"Oh ... okay?"

"Great. Thank you." I smiled.

I heard Paul calling out my name again so I left Zanessa there.

Zanessa's POV

Holy shit, what just happened to me?! Is this for real?! I couldn't explain this feeling of mine anymore. I'd cry anytime soon, I'm just waiting for it to happen. I'd never thought this would ever gonna happen. But it did. Thank God.

I was really nervous the whole time I went backstage, my moment with Harry, and I was still feeling it after. But at the end, I was left alone there.

I looked around and it was like I was the only one ain't moving, just staring at them, but then, when I saw Harry, even if it was just his back that I was seeing, he was still the only one I could see and everyone and everything became blurry in my vision.

But then I shrugged this fantasizing of mine and snapped into the reality. Yet again, I was all alone standing on a corner, hopelessly waiting for Harry but he's busy. I said to myself that this was over now, that this was just it. And that maybe Harry didn't care about me and that he forgot about me and this moment. And that he didn't remember who am I but God, the way he spoke my name felt as if he already knew me and when he said "Finally", it was like he waited for this moment to happen but I guess he's not coming back so I decided to disappear in this place.

I was already near the exit door when a man called me.

"Hey, wait!" He said. I turned around at him and he was the man who as well called Harry earlier.

"Me? Uhm, why?"

"Are you Zanessa, right?

"Yes, I am."

"Good. Well, Harry told me to tell you this ..." He explained and I was waiting to continue his sentence. "He wanted you to stay."

"Uhm, w-why?"

"He said you two are not yet done talking and he has something to tell you, that's what he told me. He was asking if you could meet him up at the parking lot?"

"Oh-kay, then?"

"Great. By the way, I'm Paul. Actually, I wanted to take you there but I can't leave right now, you know, work ... so I'll tell you where exactly to go, is that just fine?"


Paul turned around, and I followed him then I saw One Direction walking towards our direction with I guess, their stage manager. Harry was looking at me and I was looking at him, too. And when he passed by my side, he paused there for a moment, checking out the other four with somebody ahead away from him.

"Hey, Ness. See you at the parking lot at the back? Find the tour bus with a plate number HS 0201 and wait me there, okay, please? I promise, I'll be there in a bit after this."

Ness? That's my nickname. How did he ... holy shit?! I cleared my throat, and I agreed to meet him there.

"Great! Thank you." He smiled. "And thank you, Paul."

He then ran to catch up with his bandmates and entered a room.

"He said it already." Paul looked back at me, chuckling.

"Yah." I smiled.

"I'll keep going now I guess , love. Good luck, then ... You know, you're lucky." He smiled at me like I am his daughter whom he is really proud of.

"I know."

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