Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

This is too much! I don't know what to do and what to think anymore. I'm tired of all of this! I'm done with this drama. For now, I want to be all alone. I thought to myself as I stormed outside the house and just ran off to nowhere.

The street was dark and seemed lonely. I kept on running to wherever my feet would bring me. I knew I was chased by two girls but I ignored them as much as I could. 'Leave me alone,' I kept on screaming silently. But my girlfriend didn't lose hope and patience at me and it overwhelmed me. I mean, you know, some girls would've a dramatic turn away over this but she did not. I looked at her, she was crying and so was I. Both of us never looked hurtful as this before.

"Quit it, Harold!" Gemma yelled at me from the other side of the road and I thought she was right so I did so. Then Zanessa stormed across the dark street towads me but I was shaking my head at her, telling not to but she ignored it. And all of a sudden, I heard some loud horns and thumps from not so faraway and as I looked to the left, a car was running really overspeed. My two eyes saw it coming quickly towards Zanessa and it would hit her anytime so I sprinted towards her.

"ZANESSA!" I pushed her back on the sidewalk.

Then boom! Everything went blank.

Zanessa's POV

I was pushed by Harry on the sidewalk as I heard a loud thumps behind me. I have no idea what was that. I fell on the pavement, my hip accidentaly hit the gutter and I went unconcsious for like five seconds, making me groan in pain because of the impact but it was nothing compared to Harry. I looked back at him after I recovered from the pain and he was lying in the middle of the road. What the fuck?! Gemma freaked out, sprinting to her brother. My heart started to beep faster and faster as I saw my boyfriend on the ground. I got to my feet and ran towards him. There was shattered glasses around, bloods streaming on the ground. My eyes traced them, it was all coming from Harry. Shit!

"Harry!" I knelt down, flipping his body at me. Gemma then dialed the ambulance. I kept on soothing him on my arms as I laid his bleeding head on my chest while waiting for the ambulance but he really was barely breathing. "Hold on, babe. You'll be alright, I promise."

Gemma couldn't say a word but instead, she just cried and cried. I couldn't imagine this really happened as I was looking to Harry's lifeless face. This is all my fault! I said to myself. Harry slowly opened his eyes and I felt relief. At least I knew he wasn't giving up. I lingered my lips onto his lips, I didn't mind the blood on it. I smiled at him right after, he then pulled out a weak smirk. Tears dropped from my eyes but he really need to be taken to the hospital!

In a matter of seconds, the ambulance arrived. Paramedics started to surround Harry and I. They've got a stretcher for Harry and placed it on his side first. They told me to stay away from Harry but I was so hesitant to move. I didn't want to let him go though I know I really should.

Harry squeezed my fingers as tight as he could, making me looked back down at him. "I love you," he said with his trembling lips.

And tears streamed down my face yet again. "Shhh, I know, I know. And I love you too ... that's forever and always."


Gemma and I just arrived at the hospital and we were panicking. We ran towards the front dest and asked where's Harry Styles by now and she said he was in the ICU. I saw Harry and Gemma's mum and dad sitting on some benches outside the ICU. I saw my mum and brother as well. Gemma and I ran towards our families.

"Baby, are you alright?"

"Are you hurt, sis?"

Mom and my brother asked almost at the same time. Yes, mom. I'm alright but Harry's not. I'm hurt? Yes, my heart hurts. "I'm fine," I murmured.

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