99 ~ Mairon

366 19 11

Mairon tried to move.
His legs were heavy, his mind was weak. His eyes felt half closed and blurry.
From what he could see, the world was dark. Telltale clouds of smog which thundered across the skies told him that he was somewhere familiar, yet this wasn't Angband. This was somewhere else.
He could hear faint screams, but despite seemingly coming from far away, they sounded in his mind.

A dull snarl alerted his dizzy consciousness to his surroundings. And to his left, as the darkened world lunged from side to side, the flaming eyes of a beast gazed challengingly into his.
Mairon felt himself transform. Well, he couldn't feel it - he just knew.
He mimicked the form in front of him. When the world plummeted with a sickening intensity, before the two beats lunged for each other, he spotted a lone figure out of the corner of his eye.

A girl, shrouded in a cloak blacker than the night surrounding them.

Burning agony and gurgling screeches, the tearing of Marion's throat with jagged fangs.
Blood erupting from his nose and mouth, mingling with the rain (when did that start?), and curling in pink tendrils across the stone.

His movements were slow, his thoughts sluggish.

Then the Maia awoke.

Mairon's initial reaction was blind panic. He lashed out at the air in front of him, gasping desperately to draw a breath into his lungs, which screamed in protest to the sudden movement.

So when the rational side of his brain took control, the room fell into darkness.

Was it just a dream? No, it had felt like more than that. A vision of some sort? Not of past, unless he had purposefully forgotten, which actually seemed quite likely.
Maybe... no.
Maybe it was a sight of the future.

A dog.
A girl.
And himself, defeated.


Author's note:
Ok that was slightly confusing, I'm sorry, but virtual high fives for guessing what he saw...

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