76 ~ Maedhros

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Far down in the dungeons, underneath forges and fortresses, sat Maedhros Nelyäfinwe.
Fear shimmered in the pit of his stomach. Above him he could hear the thudding of thousands of iron clad feet, marching away to greet the Noldor. His family. His brothers should be there, and maybe Fingon - his heart gave a painful leap as he recalled his cousin's face. His smile. His dark, glowing hair, braided with gold.
Although he didn't mean to cry, the tears found their way down his cheeks, spilling on to the cold, hard floor.
He did, however, have a plan.
It was risky. It was dangerous. Actually, it was suicide.
But as all available forces had been called out to march into possible battle, there was no orc on guard.
One problem - his hands were chained in such a way that one couldn't reach the other.
He picked up a small metal shard he had spent days modelling, remembering his father working tirelessly in his forge so many moons ago, and placed it between his teeth.
Inserting it in the keyhole of the chains, he set to work.

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