87 ~ Mairon

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By the time he finished laughing, tears had pricked at the lieutenant's eyes which he quickly wiped away with another dark chuckle. He shot Maglor a sick, twisted, almost playful smirk as he tried to stifle another booming laughter threatening to further humiliate the elven prince.

Maglor inhaled deeply whilst Sauron lifted his chin as though pointing at him. Pointing at him for the whole army to see.

"How bold of you, elfling! Showing up at our gates, disturbing the peace in my master's lands only to make such stupid demands. And those empty threats... only an idiot would believe them." he gestured towards the Noldorin army, the insult being plain for everyone to see.

After a few prolonged moments of silence, the Maia spoke again,

"And believe me, we have a great use of him! He makes such an entertaining pet, especially when he is down on his knees..." he gritted his teeth, his mouth twisting into a grimace of disgust and anger as he was forced to listen to the lewd descriptions of what his brother had to endure at the hand of the enemy.

"We will regret standing in your way, you say?" the Maia sneered, "Go on then! Make us regret our decision, because we're not giving up on such a trophy without a good trade."


Chapter dedicated to @CrystalSnow0304 thank you so much for reading this my friend :)

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