81 ~ Melkor

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With an almost impossible effort that took every ounce of his will, Maedhros ducked his head away.

Melkor chuckled to himself as he crouched down next to the elf, so that they were face to face. He tilted his head a little, staring in the tear-filled, terrified eyes of his prisoner. He took moment to analyze the unfortunate prey which happened to jump straight into the predator's lair.
His pupils were dilated in utmost fear, the eyes rolling wildly in their sockets in an attempt of looking away from his captor. Melkor watched with sadistic curiosity the faint twitching of the Noldo's free arm, laboured gasps and whimpers rushing past his livid lips.
The icy eyes of the Vala flickered up at the wound, at last, and as the torn muscles and veins danced along with the bright blood under the light provided by the torches on the walls, a sly smile broke over Melkor's lips.

Maedhros gulped.

"My, my," the Dark Lord began, reaching for him with one of his burnt hands. A groan caught between protest and excruciating pain erupted from Maedhros's chest when the hand stroked his neck. "But how have you got here, hmm? Have you lost yourself in my fortress, elfling?"

And after a brief pause in which he clamped down his hand around the bloodied blade:

"How impolite of me! Now let's get this out and fix you, what do you say? And then we can talk! I am in need of company anyway..."

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