65 ~ Melkor

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The Vala rubbed his forehead and sighed again, as if in deep thought.

"I thought I told you to-" he stopped halfway through the sentence, stammering a few indescribable words and earning a rather confused frown from Mairon.

"Why did- You know what, forget it!" Melkor put an abrupt end to the subject and looked away from his lieutenant.

Mairon, for his part, tapped the sole of his boot against the floor quite nervously as the minutes passed and his master remained silent. He forced out a cough to get his attention.

"Is there any reason why you demanded my presence here, my lord?"

Melkor glanced down at him and eyed him rather hungrily. Desire was burning in his master's gaze, and the Maia shifter nervously.

"Hmm," Morgoth started, "I simply wanted your company, my dear lieutenant, but since you seem to be in a bad mood perhaps another time would be more convenient?"

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