84 ~ Maglor

380 22 3

Maglor was scared. So, so scared.
His heart was beating like the rhythm of a thousand drums.
His stomach had plummeted down to his toes and was still falling.
Sweating and shaking, he stood in front of the gates of the Hells of Iron, fighting to keep his face emotionless.

The Maia ahead of him brought back so many memories. He had seen Sauron before, once, before he had been corrupted by Morgoth. It was in Tirion. Outside that huge hall in memory of the Awakening. Sauron, then under a different name, had been so beautiful. Shining golden hair that matched his eyes, glowing and bursting with warmth and kindness. Now, although they hadn't changed, those eyes were cold.

He had come for his brother. And no matter the cost, the pain, the amount of lives lost, he would not leave without him.

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