32 ~ Melkor

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Melkor was left glaring at the ground, furious and enraged as he was, and it was not until a couple of hours had passed that he returned to Angband. He had spent them roaming around the nearby forest, cursing, first at the Valar, then at his lieutenant -for absolutely no reason, actually- and then at himself.
He wished he still had the ability to leave his cover of flesh and bones, to leave all that unbearable agony behind, and take a shapeless form again.
But those days were long gone. And the harsh truth only fueled his anger.

He did not go to see Mairon, let alone apologize. There was no reason for him to apoligize, he told himself as he walked past a few orcs on guard. If there was someone who had to admit that he was wrong, that was Mairon. He had to endure imprisonment in Valinor for three damn ages, whilst his lieutenant did nothing to help him, he thought to himself as his still paining hands were searching for a possible new stronghold on the map outstretched on the council table. After all, he was the rightful ruler of Arda, he was not some little Maia to grovel at one's feet for forgiveness.

And so, the Vala allowed pride and hatred swell in his heart, and for a nearly two weeks he avoided Mairon, sending Thuringwethil or some orc to communicate his orders, few as they were.
But slowly, loneliness started to wrap its cold arms around him, and Melkor was as shocked as he could be upon the realization that he could no longer sleep properly without the Maia in his arms.

Thus, one day, he burst into Mairon's chambers, and spoke quickly,

"I want you to interrogate the elf today."

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