47 ~ Melkor

487 22 2

Melkor's icy eyes flickered up to his lieutenant's shocked expression, another salty tear just abandoning his eyelashes to roll down his pale face. His eyes stood red and swollen due to the relentless crying, so he simply lowered his head in order for his dark hair to cover the horrible display of agony that painted his features.

"What... What are you doing here, Mairon?" his shaky voice shattered through the damp air, barely able to reach the Maia's ears.

His ruined hands clenched into fists for a couple of times, more blood dripping from raw flesh on the floor below, a thin ribbon of the dark liquid trickling down his wrists and forearms.

The Vala sobbed bitterly, drowning in shame and self-loathing and not daring to raise his look again.

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