94 ~ Mairon

417 20 5

Mairon awoke a while later.
First of all he felt numb.
A few seconds in to consciousness he was ravaged by searing waves of agony, stinging and roaring, making him let out a breathless gasp.

He felt a tentative hand on his collarbone, and looking up he saw - through a blur of angry tears - his master's face smiling down at him.
It was a nervous smile, and one streaked with worry.

Mairon opened his mouth to speak, but Melkor stopped him.

"No. Shush. Don't try to speak."

Probably a good thing too, as it hurt to breath.
Oh, Eru, it hurt.

"How are you feeling? Ok, sorry, don't answer that. I'm bad at this caring thing."

The Maia felt a small smile twitch his dry lips. He felt tired, and slightly sick, but Melkor was there so everything was ok, right?

Yes. Yes it was.

His head spun and just before he lost consciousness again, he felt a pair of lips tenderly kiss his forehead.

And as the darkness enveloped him, those lips pressed hard against his own and a tear fell onto his nose.

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