41 ~ Maedhros

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The question hit him like a sword's blade. It had cut swiftly, leaving a clean wound to bleed and Maedhros found that he could do nothing to stop blood from pouring out of it.
His eyebrows knitted in an angry frown, and he shot the lieutenant a ferocious look of raw, naked hatred.

"I am not going to play your wicked game, Abhorred One, but if you do want me to tell you this, then be it." the elf spluttered after regaining some of his composure and struggled up on his knees, "He died, as your cursed ears have probably heard by now, the wounds brought his life to an end. But I assure you, he has not died in vain," the Noldo spoke with some more confidence now, tilting his chin defiantly, despite his rational part screaming at him to stay put.
The clink of chains reverberated in the dungeons when he tugged at them dangerously, and then he continued.

"There is an oath that ties us together, you corrupted abomination! And your beloved master will sure as hell get what he deserves, be sure of it! Three times my father cursed his name, and I now curse him for the fourth time! If you want to hear more about my father and my brothers, then why don't you go to Morgoth and ask him yourself? Surely, he will enlighten you more than I've done."

And with that, a laughter that sounded rather pitiful than mocking erupted from Maedhros's heaving chest, right before he let himself fall back down on the ground.

Merely a few seconds later, another dark figure skipped its way to them, her thin bat-like wings fluttering as she moved. And then she called cheerfully, almost sweetly,
"Ah, Mairon! There you are! Looks like you're having fun without me!"

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