43 ~ Maedhros

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"But of course!" Mairon welcomed the new visitor with a gesture of his hand.
Maedhros watched in horror as the bat gave a few beatings of her grey wings before coming to stand next to the Maia. Then she took a fairer appearance, though still repulsive and terrifying. She looked like a woman, yes, but her wicked, sadistic smile revealed two sharp canines which, along with the mass of raven hair spilling down her pale shoulders and the pair of wings that seemed to have grown straight out of her arms, gave her a feral look.
Maedhros was sure one could take her for an animal if they didn't pay enough attention.

"Well, Maitimo," he heard the lieutenant speak, and he had to make an effort to take his eyes away from the strange woman, "Are you not going to greet lady Thuringwethil properly?"

And with that, Thuringwethil extended her left hand to him with a chuckle.
It took the elf a few moments to acknowledge that both of them were glancing down at him, obviously waiting for him to do something.
So he took the woman's hand in his own and reluctantly placed a kiss upon her knuckles.

"Oh, Mairon," she giggled as she wrapped her right hand around the Maia's upper arm, "Poor little thing... Look how miserable he is!" she sighed with false compassion and Maedhros gritted his teeth and lowered his look so he would not shout at them all the obscenities he had in mind.

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