Chapter 6: The Sleepless Night

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Mycroft stood in shock to what he heard. Maybe she was mistaken but it sounded so true, like she meant what she said. The baby items she had in her bags would never fit a grown size Sherlock but....

He looked back at the little boy on the couch. He was sound asleep hugging the dog stuffie. He carefully looked at him and thought of the impossible. He looks just like Sherlock, but that can't happen this is the real world things like can't happen right?!

Mycroft walked back over to the kitchen where John and Ms. Hudson were standing. "Can someone tell me just what the hell is-." John walked over to Mycroft who was almost yelling at them and covered his mouth. "Here what's going to happen Mycroft, you're going shut the hell up for one second while I take that little boy to Sherlock's room and put him to bed. Then your going to listen what I have to say but until then shut the hell up!" John whispered

And with that John walked over to the couch where Sherlock was sleeping. He pulled his jacket away and picked him and his little stuffed animal up. Sherlock woke up alittle bit and rested his head on John's shoulder. "Hey hey you don't have to get up, come on let get you back to bed shall we?" John said in a calming voice as he walked past Ms. Hudson and Mycroft.

Sherlock buried his face in John neck as he walked by them. Once John walked into Sherlock's room he placed him on the bed and pulled the blanket up. "Alright Sherlock I have to stay up and do something but I want you to go to sleep." John said softly

Sherlock got up and moved over to the side of the bed John was on. "No lev! Tay wit me!" He said half asleep holding his stuffie close not realizing how little he sounded. John smiled "Alright Sherlock I'll stay." And with that John laid in bed next to the little Sherlock. Sherlock wrapped around his arm like a little monkey. John smiled and rested next to him. As soon as he knew it Sherlock was asleep curled up in a little ball.

John slowly and carefully got out of bed trying not to wake the little Sherlock. He replaced his arm with Sherlock stuffed animal dog so that he could cuddle with something. He pulled the blanket up and wrapped Sherlock in it. After that John slowly and quietly walked out of the room and closed the door behind.

He walked over to Mycroft and Ms. Hudson who were bickering back and forth. He rolled his eyes and joined them. "What are you even doing here Mycroft?! For all we know you could have been the one to do this to him." Ms.Hudson yelled at him. "You can't possible believe that's Sherlock?! That would be impossible! He's a 2 year old?!" Mycroft argued back. "Yeah well believe or not she's right, that little boy is Sherlock." John said as he sat down in his chair.

"Oh you can't be serious John, he does look a lot like Sherlock but things like this can't be real. Next you'll be telling me that an alien protects Britain in a box!" Mycroft yelled again at the two of them. John stood up and looked at Mycroft. At this point he had had enough of everything.

"No you want to know what happen  to Sherlock?! I woke up to a baby in his bed that looked and talked like a little version of him! I had to deal with today every tantrum and every crying episode that he had! I even had to chase him around the house and diaper him so excuse me Mycroft if I don't want to hear it but I really really don't want to hear it." And with that John sat back down again. Ms. Hudson smirked at John then looked at Mycroft "He's telling the truth he's been through a lot today. When you can John I need your help lifting some boxes from my car for Sherlock." Ms. Hudson said then walked in the kitchen to put the kettle on.

Mycroft sat across from John in Sherlock chair. They were silent for a moment till Mycroft spoke. "Do you have any idea how this happen to him?" John shook his head "We came back from a case and the next thing I know I wake up to find a 2 year old him. I don't mind taking care of him I'm just worried about him." He looked up at Mycroft "He was so worried when you where at the door I thought he was going to take a heart attack. This whole thing is so....embarrassing for him. We need to find a solution."

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