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"Guys?" you said seeing the smashers already in the kitchen getting out the materials needed to make breakfast. You just walked in when your heard pots and pans being hit against each other. "Are you trying to make breakfast all by yourself?"

"Yeah! We were actually going to surprise you though. . ." said Captain Falcon. "But now that your here we kinda need your help." he continued while putting down a box of cereal. This seemed to catch your attention. Cereal!? They had Cereal!? Wait, calm down maybe they know how to make it.

"Guys do you know how to prepare cereal?" You hoped nervously that they did. He scratched his chin in thought.

"Hmmm, never heard of this cereal. Is that what we're having today?"

"*sigh* Yes now for this I won't be helping you with this because it's a veeery simple thing to make. In fact I'm going to teach everyone to make it." Slowly turning your mood into a happy one. "Ok everyone bring all the boxes that look like this and take it down to the dining hall." you said holding up a box of cereal. You then took five boxes in your hand and ran out the kitchen door. You remembered something and quickly came back in standing near the door peaking in and out saying, "And bring milk... a lot of it...and spoons!" You then ran down the hall excited that you could take a break from cooking.

As everyone was making their way down to the dining hall with the cereal and jugs of milk, smashers were just waking up and taking their seats in the dining hall. You noticed the four musketeers, Ness and Lucas and Villager and Toon Link, sleepily making their ways to their tables rubbing their eyes every now and then. Each of them were holding a blanket dragging it across the floor as they went to sit at their table. How much cuter can they get? Just as you thought that Megaman happened to stroll right in and sit next to the now napping boys who were using their blankets as pillows on the table. Megaman took notice of their sleeping forms and shared blanket/pillows with the closest one next to him. This made you squeal and fangirl at how adorable they looked, if you had a camera you would take a picture.

"Hey (Y

)!" yelled a voice interrupting your little session. "What's going on here are we eating boxes or something?" said Link walking towards your figure with hands crossed behind his head casually along with Marth and Ike walking with him.

"It's what's in the boxes that we're eating." you said holding a finger up to him smiling with thoughts of how your going to blow everyone's minds. Link then walked over to a box, opening it and pulling out a plastic bag and examining it with a questionable face.

"So we're eating plastic?" he said holding a bag cheerios in front of Ike, you, and Marth to see as well. You softly face palmed, but you couldn't blame him. After all they've never had cereal. Boy the things they could've learned if only they knew how to make cereal.

"No, it's what's inside the bag that's edible." you said trying to be as positive and nice as you can.

"Oooohhhh." they said in unison.

After that little explanation you sent them to their seats to prepare the demonstration. By this time the boys woke up from their morning nap and had bright eyes ready to learn how to 'cook'.

"Okay everyone I want you to do exactly what I do. First grab a box that has a picture you might like on it." Everyone followed what you did. "Okay now open the box. Once you do you'll see a plastic bag filled with cereal. Open the plastic one as well and taste the cereal, if you like it then put some in the bowl in front of you. If you dislike it then it's okay to ask around and take some from a different bag." You then waited as everyone tasted their cereal, some switched while others filled their bowl to the top with it. Once you noticed everyone had some in their bowls you moved on to the next step. "Okay now pour some milk, but not a lot." Everyone did as they were told. "Alright final step" you said pulling out utensils. "Spoons. . . and enjoy!" you said handing everyone a spoon. Immediately everyone dug in at the exact same time and surprisingly stuffed their faces with all their cereal in under 10 seconds. It was something you'd see out of a cartoon. They all had their bowls up in the air asking for seconds while you still had the first spoonful frozen in place about to enter your mouth.

"Wow, okay guys you can serve yourselves I taught all there is to cereal." you said sweat dropping. They quickly got seconds with some fighting over the last box of rice krispies or captain crunch. Let's just say by the time you finished there was more cereal scattered all over the table than what made it to the actual bowl.

Once you finished you stood up and cleaned up the area around you and put your dirty dishes into the shoot leading upstairs to the sink. You took notice of Ryu and Little Mac waiting by the door looking at you. You quickly made your way around the smashers who were currently having small wars about which type of cereal tasted better and fighting over who got the last bowl of whatever cereal. You waved as you were approaching them.

They both waved back. "Are you prepared to start training?" asked Ryu. "Ready as I'll ever be!" you stated confidently earning a smirk of amusement from him.

"Oh these are for you to train in, (y/n)." Little Mac said handing you a change of clothing. "Wii Fit Trainer said you could have them as a thank you for training with her the other day." You grabbed the clothing saying thank you before walking with them towards the Gym. When you arrived you headed straight for the locker rooms to change into your new clothes (Pic below) . Everyone had their own lockers with their names engraved on them, you managed to find yours right next to Wii Fit Trainer's. When you opened your locker a note fell from it. Picking it up it read: I filled your locker with everything you might need on our first day of training. Hope you like the clothes I picked and Good luck! :) -Wii Fit Trainer You'll have to thank her for it later once you finish training. You dressed out into the clothes and stepped outside of the locker room to where Ryu and Little Mac were currently practicing with the punching bag.

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