A Storm Is Coming

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"(Y/n) there is something we need to discuss urgently." Master Hand spoke, pausing you from devouring a poke puff.

"Sure, what is it you want to talk about?" you said placing the poke puff back down on your plate. The other smashers looked at the pair of floating hands in either interest or confusion.

"It's a private matter." He spoke again seemingly nervous about something.

You simply nodded in understanding and followed Master Hand to his office.

Crazy Hand lagged behind and suddenly turning around to face the others. "Listen up! I don't wanna see any of you poking around our office... AGAIN! I'm looking at you Ganondorf!" he screamed as he noticed the said smasher sneaking around the table to get past Crazy Hand who was blocking the entry way. He picked up Ganondorf by the collar of his shirt and throwing him at a wall. Ganondorf slid down against the wall with a dazed look on his face.

The other smashers got the message and continued to eat their food while avoiding Crazy Hand's menacing twitches and cracks of his fingers. His aura radiated murder and darkness, no one dared to challenge him. But of course there would be a few who would try to, unfortunately. "I'm also keeping a close watch on you Captain Falcon! And all of you who dared to make the event a disaster!"

"But why is (Y/n) being taken to Master Hand's office?" Dark Pit questioned. He sounded like he didn't care but in reality he was worried about you.

"Is she in trouble!?" Pit said expressing his worry for you.

Suddenly Crazy Hand was bombarded with many questions asking why Master Hand had asked to see you in his office. The pressure was getting to Crazy Hand so he accidently spilled the beans. "We just wanted to talk to her about her powers!" he twitched before suddenly clamping his fist. "I said too much! Hah!" he gasped.

He started to float away towards his office but just as he rounded the corner her turned around and yelled out, "And don't come near our office or so help me I'll laser beam all of you!"

Once Crazy Hand was out of site a few smashers turned to each other with a smug grin, clearly they were going to attempt to get into the Hand's office. The female smashers simply sighed and rolled their eyes towards the guys. They didn't know if the guys were actually worried for you or wanted to create some mischief.

As the sneaky smashers discussed their plan to set into action a few others were currently fighting over the last poke puff, which was the one you hadn't eaten yet and placed back on your plate. It was the child smasher's who were having a glaring contest to see who would take your poke puff, even Pit joined in because he was just so hungry while Pittoo simply rolled his eyes at him.

However Leaf decided to be nice and try to save your poke puff. But when she took it off your plate the little smashers turned their attention to her who immediately felt uneasy under their gaze. When she took a step back the little smashers took a step forward in return. This resulted in Lucas, Ness, Toon Link, Young Link, Megaman, Villager, Kirby, Pit, Bowser Jr.'s, and the Inklings all chasing Leaf around the mansion with her pokemon following after her in a attempt to protect her. Red soon chased after her, but not to help. He also wanted the last poke puff.

As for everyone else, they were either used to their antics, returned to their rooms or longed around the mansion doing whatever.

As for the sneaky smashers, they moved to the corner of the dining table and spoke about their plan. Roy, Captain Falcon, Ganondorf, King K. Rool, Richter and Snake. Snake and Richter were in it for the challenge while the others were in it for themselves and to annoy the Hand's. Perhaps they wanted to listen in and find something to blackmail them with.

Meanwhile in Master Hand's office, you had just sat down.

"Am I in trouble or something Master Hand?" you asked.

"No no no nothing like that. We just wanted to speak with you about earlier today and see how you're feeling. After all you did take a nasty fall from that banana peel. I swear once I find the smasher who did that they will be severely punished!" He slammed his fist on his desk angrily. "Aside from that, do you remember anything the moment you touched the light and dark orbs?"

You sat and thought for a moment. You remembered feeling a certain intensity that flowed from your fingertips throughout your whole body. The feeling was as if your entire body became heavy, like your body was being crushed by an invisible weight. After you fell to the ground you felt a zapping feeling zip through your veins all over your entire body. The zapping consisted of two feelings. One was very warm, almost to the point it burned and the second feeling was an icy cold feeling, colder than the Ice Climber's Ice attack. It was enough to make you shake and shiver on the ground in a curled up position. During this time you could hear Master hand and Crazy Hand's voice, they were the last thing you heard before you passed out from the intense power.

"I remember you said I failed the test? What does that mean? I thought that I could choose whichever power I wanted to have and that would make me an official member?"

"Ah-- um yes, that. Well, you see. . . " Master Hand began tapping his fingers on his desk rapidly in worry.

Suddenly Crazy Hand barged in through the door. Master Hand was about to question his brother's actions but stopped once he saw him place a finger up signaling for you and Master Hand to be quiet. He floated up around the office until he stopped underneath the vent and suddenly zoomed up drilling his finger into the air duct. He destroyed the duct allowing it to clatter on the ground. Now that the vent was destroyed and open, many smashers fell down onto a pile in front of the two hands.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU GUYS COULDN'T FOLLOW DIRECTIONS!" Crazy Hand twitched and cracked his knuckles, fury clearly written on him.

"If I may Master Hand?" Ganondorf stood up. "This whole mess was entirely. . . not my fault. It was Captain Falcon's idea!" he accused.

"Hah! I thought we were on the same side!" Captain Falcon gasped in utter shock. He was not expecting Ganondorf to turn on him like that but he should've expected that from a villain.

"I thought you said you guys were masters at this?" Richter said rubbing the back of his head trying to sooth the bump that was forming.

"WE ARE!" They said in unison.

"Clearly not." Roy rolled his eyes as he got off the pile. He was the last person to fall and luckily he fell on top of someone with a round belly: King K. Rool. Roy looked around and saw the others arguing with Crazy Hand and Master Hand and noticed you sitting in front of their desk so he decided to go and chat with you while the others where distracted.

"Heyy (Y/n) how's it going?" Roy said hopping on top of the Master and Crazy Hand's desk.

"I'm fine but what about you guy's? You do realize that every time you do this you get caught?" you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah but our plan was fool proof! We just didn't expect Crazy Hand to thrust himself into the air vent!" Roy threw his arms up exasperated.

"I'm sure it was fool proof." you said sarcastically.

"Well I didn't come up with the plan! It was Snake and it sounded good at the time." he looked up at the ceiling in thought.

"Where exactly is he? If he came up with the plan then why isn't he here with you guys?" you said pointing to the others who were still arguing.

Roy looked around the room and did indeed not spot Snake anywhere. He could see Richter, Captain Falcon, and Ganondorf arguing with Crazy Hand. Maser Hand was trying to calm his brother down but at the same time was trying to push the trio out of his office. King K. Rool was just sitting on the floor eating popcorn as he watched the scene unfold. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as far as living with a bunch of goofballs go, until you spotted what appeared to be a hand twitching slightly sticking out from underneath.

Seeing this you shook Roy's shoulders and pointed to the hand sticking out underneath King K. Rool.

Roy saw where you were pointing and immediately went to pull on Snake's hand frantically asking King K. Rool to move in a panic.

Snake gasped for a breath of air once he was out from King K. Rool's heavy body. He crawled his way over to you, dragged his upper body until he was lying down on Master Hand and Crazy Hand's desk.

"You okay?" You asked as you caressed his head sympathetically.

He sighed as he took a moment to enjoy the feeling of you running your fingers through his hair before answering you. "Yeah I'm fine."

Roy squinted his eyes at the both of you but just before he could approach you he was suddenly grabbed by Crazy Hand, he was in full rage mode. He was currently using Roy as a bat to attack the other smashers into submission. All while King K. Rool was still eating his popcorn and chanting 'fight.'

You turned back to Snake and continued to pat his head.

"So this was your master plan huh?" you chuckled.

"I like a challenge. One of these we'll succeed our infiltration." Snake shrugged his shoulders.

"You do realize that I was brought to their office to learn more about my powers, right? I was about to ask Master Hand more about my powers before you guys interrupted." You teased him.

Snake blushed in embarrassment before apologizing.

"I can't stay mad at you guys. But I'd really like to know more about my powers as soon as I can so would you mind leaving?" you asked shyly.

"Of course, but you're going to have to convince the others." He pointed in the direction the feud was taking place.

You turned in their direction and shouted as loud as you could, "Can you guys leave? Me and Master Hand were in the middle of discussing my powers."

They all suddenly stopped and turned to you. Ganondorf was the first to quickly compose himself before strolling over to you with a smirk on his face. "But we have come to save the damsel in distress." he kneeled down on one knee taking you hand his as he placed his other over his heart.

The others glared at him as you simply stared at him, an idea coming to your mind.

"Guys, there are leftover pokepuffs in the kitchen--" you began but you stopped once you saw King K. Rool run to the kitchen followed by Captain Falcon dragging Roy and Ganondorf by their arms screaming 'Mine!'. You turned to snake chuckling. "I didn't even tell them where I hid them."

Snake laughed along with you but stopped when he felt you pull him close to you. You cupped your hand around his ear and whispered where you hid the pastries. Once Snake got the information he hopped off the Hand's desk and pulled out a smoke bomb and turned to you and said, "I'll chat with you later, yeah?" He winked at you just before he threw down the smoke bomb and disappeared.

Crazy Hand waved himself to get rid of the smoke and flew out of the office. "Wait Snake! You better tell me where she hid them! You guys ate them all before I could grab one!"

"You idiot! You're supposed to be keeping watch. Hah you know what?" Master Hand suddenly snapped his fingers and waved his hand around. The spell was familiar to you because it was the same spell Master Hand and Crazy Hand would cast to put the smasher's to sleep. Master Hand sighed tiredly as he slumped on his desk, he used a lot of his power to cast that spell by himself.

You were about to speak up but Master Hand interrupted you by slowly lifting up his finger. "Now that we're safe from prying ears, we can continue our conversation. I apologize for saying you failed the test. The truth is. . . you are not the first human to visit this world." his voice held guilt.

"What do you mean?" you said confused.

"There were many others before you. Many who came through the very same portal you came through. All were given the same test." he sighed.

"I wasn't the first? But what about the letter--?" you began but you were interrupted.

"--Was the same letter given to every person that has entered this world." He finished.

You leaned back in your seat taking in the new information. Was everything a lie? Where the others just pretending to be your friend? "So you're saying it was just a fluke, a mistake I came here?"

"No no no not at all my dear. You were one of the chosen ones. Not just anyone could be summoned through the portal and not everyone could absorb the particles of Galeem and Dharkon." he stretched out his hand in front of you as a sign of surrender to which you placed your hand over his fingertip reluctantly, wanting more information. "We were surprised to see that you actually absorbed the orbs, and both on that matter. No one has ever absorbed both at the same time, everyone usually chooses one but ah you're situation was a bit different. . . In the past, the orbs rejected the others and unfortunately had to be sent back to their world with their memories erased, along with the other smashers."

"You erased their memories!?" you asked shocked.

"I had no other choice. They become so attached to the people who come here and their emotions get the best if them. We wanted to give the new person who came through the portal a chance to meet the smasher's as the way they are, not the lonely and sad grieving smashers."

"So the others truly wanted to be my friends? They weren't faking?" you shyly replied getting hopeful.

"Of course they weren't pretending! Might I say they act too attached at times." he spoke to himself mostly before turning back to you.

"I'm glad." you smiled at him. "But what are the 'powers' I absorbed? What is Galeem and Dharkon?" you questioned.

"Galeem and Dharkon are the reason you were brought here. They are the very beings our master created and need destroyed. That is the reason you were all brought here." he finished.

"It's true." Crazy hand said floating into the office. "Our Master created these beings and he needs your help to get rid of them. BUT! There's a catch, only those who can wield their power can defeat them."

"Every day they get closer and closer to our location. It won't be long before they arrive. Which is why we must know what powers you obtained from the orbs, to know how prepared we should be for the time to come."

You looked at them utterly shocked. This was almost too much for you to handle, it was a lot of responsibility. Yet you still answered them. "I don't see how understanding the different languages will help me defeat Galeem and Dharkon." you looked to the side.

"Yes that is an ability. We too can understand every single smasher in their language in this mansion. But what other powers did you obtain? Can you summon any weapons or harness magic?" Master Hand questioned.

"That's it. I can only understand the others." you shrugged your shoulders.

"Well that's a bit of a problem." Crazy Hand said.

"What do you mean?" you questioned.

"Are you sure that's it? Oh dear we have so much to do. We need to come up with an extensive training program. I'm making it official, from now on you will train day in and day out to prepare for the what is to come" Master Hand flipped through his files looking for something but Crazy Hand halted his actions.

"--Now now now hold on bro, I get that the 'end is here' mumbo jumbo is important but don't you think you're putting too much stress on her? I mean she still needs to have fun and spend time with the others, don't ya think?" Crazy Hand reasoned for once.

"Are you joking? We finally have the key and she hasn't unlocked her full potential and you think it's okay for her to just walk around and goof about?" Master Hand argued.

Crazy Hand sighed and floated over to the door opening it for you before floating over to you. He handed you a poke puff then patted your head before pushing you out the door. But just before he closed the door Master Hand spoke up.

"I ask you of only one thing (Y/n). Please keep this Galeem and Dharkon situation between us. It's for the best." he said.

"Yeah wouldn't want the other's to freak out. And remember, it's okay to still have fun--Okay bye!" Crazy Hand slammed the door closed right when Master Hand was about to speak op. Now you could only hear their muffled arguing through the door.

You didn't dare think about telling anyone, now that you knew Master Hand and Crazy Hand were more capable of doing other things than out on the arena you thought it would be best to stay on their good side.

You took a bite from your Poke puff and looked up at the paintings on the wall before saying to yourself, "I wonder who threw that banana peel on stage."

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