Sleep Over!!

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"What's going on!?" you shouted.

They all stared at you not daring to stay a word. They all put on a poker face as they all held the same position.

"Well? Is anyone going to explain why you're all wrestling outside the kitchen?"

"We can explain!" Roy shouted.

"Yeah! We weren't trying to steal the bro-" Shulk tried to say until everyone covered his mouth with panicked faces.

"Uh what he meant to say was that, uh-" Roy said.

"It was all Snake's doing!" Link blurted out.

"Snake?" you said.

"Yeah he's-" Link pointed behind him as he looked around but he found the spot behind him empty. It was clear of Snake, and the box...

"...Snake!" Everyone yelled.

Snake however was already in his room eating the last brownie happily.

"No wonder my pastries keep disappearing-!"

"I can explain." Falcon said interrupting you. He got up off the floor and approached you.

"Great!," Roy thought happily, "Falcon can explain that this is all just one big understanding... well, he can 'explain' that it was Snake's fault, yeah..."

By the time Falcon reached you, he already had a plan made up in his mind. he stood in front of you and took a deep breath and spoke. "(Y/n), here's the truth..."

"Do it!" Everyone thought.

"You see, I was just walking by when I saw these two," he pointed over to Link and Shulk who had faces still not exactly sure what is going on. "They were sneaking in and out of the kitchen and that's when I decided to put a stop in this so I went in action, we fought, and that's when you came out of the kitchen and stopped us, (Y/n)," he took a hold of your hands surprising you. The others finally realized what he was doing. " I'm sorry, I should've told you so that this mess wouldn't have happened, forgive me." He placed a kiss on your knuckles after he finished. You couldn't help but blush a little. Before Shulk, Roy, and Link could protest you spoke, "Why didn't you say so sooner? Of course I understand!" You said smiling.

"What?!" The three all said in unison. "Wait!!"

"No way!" You said turning away from them.

"Yeah! Haven't you guys done enough?" Falcon said secretly smirking.

"Why you!!!" The three said about to tackle him until you jumped in front of them making them stop immediately. They were left silenced as you pulled Falcon into the kitchen.


When you pulled him into the kitchen, you started to make another batch especially for Falcon. Except with a twist, you put another special ingredient in.

"Sorry I accused you of stealing." You said as you placed a plate of brownies you just baked in front of him.

"It's alright." He said grabbing a brownie and plopping it into his mouth. The taste filled his mouth. He ate the whole plate of goodies In one gulp. As he did so, you had already poured a glass of milk...

You say right in front of him holding the glass securely close to you. "Okay Falcon, if you answer correctly then I'll give you this glass of cold milk."

"Milk and brownies? Can this day get any better? Okay what do I have to answer?" He said with a smile showing no signs he knew...

"Did you, Link, Shulk, and Roy plan on raiding the kitchen to steal my treats?"

"... Uh what do you mean?" He said keeping calm sweating slightly.

"I mean, that if you don't answer the question soon then then the extra ingredient that I put in your brownies will start to show."

"... Uhh *cough cough* I don't know what you're talking *cough* about?" He stood up thing to calm the sudden flame engulfing his stomach and taste buds.

"You're avoiding the question. I said if you answered honestly then you could stop the pain by telling me the truth."

"...*cough*! What did you put in there?"

"Ghost Pepper flakes." You said innocently.


"Last chance." You said waving the glass in his face.

"... Fine!!! I did okay?! Can I have the milk now?!" He said trying to grab it.

"okay okay here." You said handing him the milk. He chugged it down so fast, some started to drop down his chin. "The rest is in the fridge." You said as you took out a pan stacked with various treats. You hid them when you heard the ruckus outside. Of course you wouldn't tell them that you could hear any noise coming from behind that door.

Thinking back to when Captain ate the whole thing in one bite. Although, you noticed that there were nine instead of ten, but it didn't matter because each of them had a few flakes. Wonder were it meant?


"Hm," you said lifting the left side up of your lip and eyebrows, "so  snake was there. To bad they all failed. Ha ha." You drank a glass of milk in victory.

Now to head for the sleepover. Hopefully no complications will occur next.

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