Happy Halloween [2]

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Note: This chapter doesn't follow the story, it's more of a fun filler and has no correlation with the last Halloween chapter. In fact please just read this one and not the last, I have so many spelling mistakes in the last one XD Also sorry for the shortness and if it sounds rushed.
It's that time of the year again where all the smashers dress up, tell scary stories, and play pranks on each other. All morning and evening, the smashers have been getting ready for Halloween because the Hands have announced they were going to be playing a game. That night, the hands changed the scenery and made it cloudy and stormy to set the spooky setting for the others.

Everyone was gathering around the living room waiting for the Hands to tell them the rules of the game. However it appears that one smasher isn't among the others...

As everyone was finding a seat, some were whispering about your whereabouts. Where were you? You were here this morning and afternoon but you disappeared.

"Alright, everyone's here. We may now begin-" Master Hand started speaking but was interrupted by Lucas who was dressed as a bunny.

"Wait! (Y/n)'s not here yet." Lucas yelled.

"Yeah she's gone missing!" Link said. He was dressed as a werewolf.

"She's part of the game!" Crazy Hand giggled crazily.

"Yes. All you have to do is find (Y/n). Right now she's preparing your reward if you win the game. The game is simple. You will all be put into groups. You're jobs are to find pumpkins scattered around the house. Once you find everyone in your group a pumpkin, you need to find and capture a ghost. After you have successfully captured the ghost it will give you a map. The map will show you where (Y/n) is waiting with your reward. Now here are the teams."

Master Hand listed off names for each group.

"What's the challenge?" Ike spoke up. He was dressed as Frankenstein's monster.

"Yeah there's nothing scary about it." Toon Link whined. He was dressed as

"Ah yes, the challenge. There are traps set all over the mansion. And you will be chased, if you get caught you're out of the game." Master Hand said.

"Who are we getting chased by?" Princess Peach said wearily. She was dressed up as a witch.

"US." Crazy Hand laughed maniacally.

Suddenly the lights flickered and the living room plummeted into darkness, all the smashers could hear in the dark were the hands laughing evilly and the bolts of thunder striking outside.

The lights turned back revealing the hands have gone missing. Everyone jumped up and got into their groups.

Meanwhile, with you. You were at a secret base outside the mansion waiting for the others to start arriving. You were setting the table with fall and Halloween themed typed food and making a huge pile of candy. It's taking you many trips to gather the candy from another room and pile it into this one.

As you brought out the last bucket of candy the lights in the room flickered and shut off except for one. It was flickering over a figure standing a fair distance away. It seems that the person had an axe in their head. This really freaked you out.

What made you scream though wasn't the mysterious figure standing under the flickering light, it was the body that tackled you. You screamed suddenly and ran around in circles freaking out. A hand then suddenly gripped your shoulder making you turn around to face the thing grabbing you. The light's turned back on revealing Cloud gripping your shoulder with a guilty look on his face. You pouted and teared up before tackling him in a hug.

Cloud isn't used to this type affection from anyone. So when you wrapped your arms around his neck in a close hug he had to think for a moment on what to do. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your back giving you a pat. You then felt the tiny, round being taken off of you.

"Sorry about him love. We didn't mean to give you such a fright." Bayonetta said holding up a sad Kirby. She was wearing an angel costume.

"Sorry." Kirby squeaked out. He was wearing a cute witch hat.

"Aww that's okay." you said taking him from Bayonetta and giving him a warm hug instantly cheering him up. "I just didn't expect all of you to get here so quickly." you said taking a look around the room.

The other smashers with you in the room were Bayonetta dressed as an angel, Falco dressed as an Akatsuki member, Leaflet dressed as nurse Joy, Sheik dressed as a mummy, Cloud dressed as a vampire, Daisy dressed as Booette, and Kirby dressed as a witch. The last smasher that first gave you a fright by standing under a flickering light was Villager with an axe in his head with fake blood dripping down his face. He walked out of the flickering light with worried expression as he ran towards you, latching onto your leg.

"It's okay Villager, I'm okay now. That was a pretty good scare though, you really got me." you said patting his head.

"It was actually because of Villager and Kirby that we got here so quickly." Daisy spoke up.

"Really how?" you said.


When the hands disappeared the smashers got into their groups and started to form a plan as to how to find the pumpkins and avoid the traps. However Villager and Kirby were having none of that because the two little sneaky smashers knew where you wandered off to and decided to tell the others. They left the mansion and walked to the gym where they saw you head into.

"Ah, so that's how you finished so fast. You guys didn't even do the challenge." you gave them all a deadpanned look.

"To be fair the challenge was to find you and we did." Falco shrugged his shoulders, the others nodded in agreement.

"Hmph fair enough. Well since you're here I guess you can start eating-" you started but paused when you saw Villager and Kirby run and jump onto the pile of candy. Daisy and leaflet looked at each other before giggling and joining in on the fun. Sheik, Cloud and Falco walked to the table you had set up and started eating the buffet you set out. You and Bayonetta decided to sit down and have some tea.

A few minutes into the festivity the doors to the gym slammed open revealing a panting Pit and Dark Pit with fear stricken faces. Pit had dog ears and a dog tail while Dark Pit had Cat ears and a cat tail. Pit took one glance at you and ran full speed at you while dragging Pittoo behind him.

"(Y/n)! We... found you! You would not believe what we had to go through to get here." Pit bent over to catch his breath.

"Woah there, sit down and tell me all about it. What happened to the rest of your group?" you said pulling out chairs for them.

"They broke the rules so Master and Crazy hand took them out of the game." Dark Pit said reaching for a nearby cookie to munch on.

"Who else were the people in your group?" you asked before you heard a bunch of 'manly screams' come from the mansion.

"Well." Pit started taking a moment to stuff the rest of his cupcake in his mouth. "We had Link, Ike, Marth, Roy, Lucina, Chrom and Corrin."

"How did they break the rules?" you asked.

"We had gathered all the pumpkins and were looking for a ghost when one popped up. But it got away and we chased it for a long time! before Ike had enough and decided to threaten it with his sword. You see the ghost didn't like this and suddenly we were surrounded by ghosts. That's when everyone else pulled out their swords and fought back. Crazy Hand came and started chasing them and we got separated. That's when one of the ghosts came and gave us the map happily. I guess he was glad we didn't pull out our weapons." Pit finished his story getting down from his seat, he was using over exaggerated hand movements to tell his story.

"Oh! That reminds me. We can see what's going on in the mansion. The hands set up cameras around the house so I could watch you guys." You took out a remote and pointed it at a big screen turning it on. The first thing that popped up was the 6 smashers who broke the rules getting chased around by Crazy Hand as a bunch of ghosts giggled at the sight.

"Wow. Not even a detail off." you commented.

The doors the gym opened yet again revealing Ness dressed as Lucas, Lucas dressed as Ness, Mega Man dressed as Astro boy, Inklings dressed in their street clothes, Toon Link dressed in Link's hero uniform, Isabella dressed as villager, Snake dressed as a doctor, and Joker dressed in his battle outfit. The kids saw the giant pile of candy and immediately ran to it and joined Kirby and Villager. Isabella, Snake, and Joker however walked over to your table and joined you. Joker sat on your other side, Snake next to Cloud, and Isabella next to Bayonetta.

"How come your not wearing a costume Joker?" you asked him playfully.

"Heh, someone wanted to dress up as someone from my world to match me." he said. Before you could ask who called out for one of the inklings. The one with orange hair poked her head out of the candy pile and ran to Joker who picked her up and let her stand on his lap. That's when you gasped once you realized she was dressed as Futaba.

"Aww! You two look so cute! Hold on let me take a picture!" you said running out of your seat to your backpack. You pulled out your camera and snapped the picture.

Once you took the photo some more smashers came through the door. It was Wolf dressed as Sasuke, Fox dressed as Naruto, Greninja dressed in Ninja clothing, Richter dressed as Dracula, Wario dressed as Waliuigi, Captain Falcon dressed as Superman, Ganondorf dressed as Batman, Zelda dressed as Link.

As everyone came running in Richter ran behind you causing you to look at him curiously before an axe landed right beside your chair, a loud voice following suit.

"Demon! You can't hide forever!" Simon yelled. He was wearing a vampire slayer outfit.

"For the last time Simon I'm Richter not Dracula!" Richter screamed as he dodged another axe. He ripped the axe out of your seat before staring straight at Cloud. Richter saw the situation he was in before pulling Could out of his seat yelling at him to run.

Simon was now chasing both Richter and Cloud around the gym.

"I'm guessing this holiday is new to him huh?" you asked the others.

You then ran to Wolf, Falco, and Fox when you noticed their matching outfits. You also took a picture of them commenting on how you loved their outfit idea. As you were talking to them, more smashers came and took their seats at the buffet table. Peach dressed as Bowsette, Samus dressed as Little Mac, Wii fit Trainer dressed as a princess, Rosalina and Luna dressed as peach and toad, and Palutena dressed as a witch.

Palutena ran over to you and spun you in circles when she saw your outfit along with the other girls all complimenting you on your outfit. You were wearing a maid outfit expect with the added bonus of cat ears and tail. Palutena then brought you to Pittoo who was munching down on cake.

"See Pittoo? I told you you'd be matching with (Y/n) didn't I?" she said giggling at Pittoo's red face. "Since you two match why don't you take a picture together?" she said holding up your camera.

"Yes! You two would look so adorable together!" Peach cooed pushing you towards him.

"I agree, this little angel matches our dear (Y/n) perfectly." Bayonetta smirked approaching Pittoo making him walk towards you to get away from her.

All the girls and even some boys teased you two to take a picture until Pittoo finally relented and awkwardly held your hand to take a photo. You rolled your eyes at his nervous state before taking ahold of both his hands bringing both of you chest to chest and cheek to cheek as you smiled at the camera, pittoo blushing the whole time. In fact, Pit had to revive him with a cookie, failing immediately.

Everyone else started rolling around except for the smashers who broke the rules. You felt bad for them so you ran to the mansion to let the Hands join the Halloween party.

With a sigh Master hand and Crazy hand let them join you at the party. Crazy hand was more willing because he wanted to go join the others and eat candy. Master Hand was actually having fun releasing some stress on the trouble makers.

As you all left the mansion to go to the party you felt a chill run up your spine making you turn around and stare at something.

The others made it to the mansion but didn't realize you weren't with them until halfway through the party. Everyone was wondering where you were but they couldn't find you. Realizing that you had gone missing they left the gym on a mission to find where you had gone. They went inside the mansion shouting and calling out your name but you didn't answer. That's when one of the smashers noticed a trail of red liquid lead to the kitchen.

As they approached the kitchen door they heard a knocking sound. They slowly creaked open the door and saw you a holding up a sharp knife before smiling. That's when they slammed open the door and just in time to see you bring it down on a cake.

"Is that good?" you asked, but the question wasn't aimed at the smashers it was towards some ghosts that were floating around you. "Yay I'm glad."

"(Y/N)!" All the smashers yelled making you scream in surprise.

"What?" you asked clutching your beating heart.

"What are you doing?!" they all yelled at the same time.

"Making some ghost cake for the ghosts." you replied innocently.

"But what about the blood?" Crazy Hand yelled.

"Are you hurt?" Master Hand yelled.

"Oh that? I spilled some red tea." you giggled.

Everyone fell on the ground in relief you weren't hurt. How could you even get hurt? Everyone gave you a big warm happy you were safe and sound before you all returned to the Halloween party to finished all the food you made.

Again sorry for the rushed ending and If I didn't mention your favorite smasher. I really started this today and really wanted to post this today for fun. Hope you enjoy this breather from the story line :)

Super Smash Bros. x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora