Persona 5's World

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Note: I'd like to apologize to you all for the long wait, many things happened over winter break but now I'm back and feeling better. I'd also like to announce I'm officially working on two books but this book will still be top priority. I'll start by introducing one of the smasher's world to get back into the swing of things, I hope you all don't mind that I chose Persona 5's World. It's easier for me to write about since I finsihed the game not too long ago :) Also I don't know why but I decided to update on my birthday XD For good luck

Today was the day where all the smashers can return to their own world for a whole day once a month. The portals are always open but Master Hand and Crazy Hand, mostly Master Hand, encourage the others to keep up with their training. Lately Master Hand has been urging you to train extra hard but Crazy Hand would always be there right by his side telling you to take your time and not rush into things.

Now you're avoiding the both of them in hopes to get some peace and relaxation. Maybe one of the others would show you their world today? Unfortunately you did wake up really late so hopefully not all the smashers went back into their world. You'd hate to just hop into a random portal of theirs without asking first if you could visit them.

On the way to the room that held all the portals you saw that the hallways, kitchen, and living room was empty. The mansion seemed dead at the moment. Usually no matter where you went there would be smasher in every part of the mansion doing who knows what. There would also be random items scattered everywhere but the mansion was cleaned and tidy. It seems Master Hand likes to clean up while the others are away.

Once you finally made it to the door you opened it and looked around the room spotting many different portals placed in the large room. They were all scattered around but placed apart from each other for easy maneuver for large smashers. Some portals were placed in the middle of the room, against the wall, and a couple were on the ceiling.

As you were maneuvering your way through the portals you were looking around for anybody still around. Just as you were beginning to lose hope, you spotted someone standing near a portal all the way at the back of the room. You got closer to see who it was and hid behind a portal . You were surprised to see Joker standing there dressed in his casual attire which consisted of brown shoes, jeans, black shirt, and a dark grey blazer along with his glasses. He was leaning against the wall with a leg propped over his other checking his watch before crossing his arms and looking off to the side seeming to admire the glow of the portals.

You stood there staring at him wondering why he wasn't going through his portal. You're thoughts were interrupted when you noticed him getting up and turning to walk inside his portal. However before he could even put his foot through, you called out his name causing him to stop and turn to look at you. You quickly went through the maze of portals before standing in front of him.

"Hey Joker!" you greeted.

"Hello (Y/n)." Joker greeted you back, smiling and giving you a small wave.

"I'm glad to see you found your portal." you pointed to the portal next to him.

"Yeah, Robin showed me yesterday." he nodded.

"That's good, so what are you doing standing beside your portal?" you asked.

"Oh, I'm waiting for someone." he simply said.

"Who?" you questioned, genuinely curious.

The corners of his lips started to twitch up as he tried his best to suppress his laughter. He failed and snorted but quickly held his hand over his mouth to hold it in before turning to the side. He couldn't hold in his laughter as he started to laugh freely to the point tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. You're eyes furrowed in confusion as you tried to figure out what was so funny. Joker noticed your confused expression and let out his last few chuckles before wiping a stray tear and tapping your nose.

"I was waiting for you, of course." he chuckled. You blushed in embarrassment.

"Really?!" you hopped in excitement.

"I wanted to show you my world and maybe introduce you to my friends? If you don't want to then that's-" he began before you interrupted him.

"Oh! I'd love to see your world! Will Morgana be there?" you asked.

He nodded before taking a hold of your hand and walked the both of you to the portal. No use wasting time out in the portal room when the both of you could be spending it in his world.

A bright light enveloped you for a split second before the light went away and right before you stood Joker's bedroom. Well, his room in the attic. His bed (lumpy mattress more like) was placed next to the window. There was a desk right beside the window against the wall with various crafting materials and components scattered everywhere with a very adorable plushy placed on top. Right next to the desk was a couch with a blanket draped across it. The room would've looked dull and dreary if it weren't for the various decorations he put in such as the glow in the dark star stickers, idol poster, giant model of a tower lamp, and decorations and gifts adorning a shelf he seems to have gotten from his friends.

"Oh wow, Master and Crazy Hand placed the portal in such a perfect spot." you commented.

You took a moment to walk around his room admiring the different figurines he had on his shelf. Joker sat on his bed admiring the joyful look on his face. He sighed in content at the peace and quiet the both of you shared before it was interrupted by a loud 'Hiss' and 'Ow' from down below followed by the pitter patter of feet and heavy footsteps hurrying up the stairs to where the both of you were.

"Akiraaaaaa, Mona's acting all sour!" Yelled a boy with spiky blonde hair, tumbling into the room.

"What!? I'm being sour? Ryuji's the one starting fights with me!" stated a black and white cat jumping onto Akira's(Joker) lap.

"Only 'cause you hissed at me!" the blonde pointed his thumb to his chest.

"You ate my sushi!" the cat said before pouncing on Ryuji's back.

Akira got up off the couch to try and stop the two from causing chaos. This was not how he wanted to introduce his friends.

Suddenly another person came rushing up the stairs. It was a blue haired man clutching a sketch book in his hands, furiously scribbling a drawing down intensely as he stared at the blonde and the cat fight in the middle of his room.

"Will the both of you stop moving?! I must capture Rage in my art!" He held his finger out in an L shape forming a box with his hands as he peered through the hole with his eye. He moved around the two of them trying to capture a certain angle.

Things just got more hectic for Akira as you just simply sat on his bed watching the scene that unfolded in the middle of Akira's bedroom.

Another pair of footsteps came rushing up the stairs as a girl with long, bright orange hair jumped onto Akira's back as she chanted the words "Fight!" over and over again egging the both of them on.

Another rush of footsteps came up the stairs but this time three girls ran in with looks of disappointment, shock and rage. One girl stepped forward, she had fluffy blonde hair, and smacked Ryuji in the back of the head causing Mona to fall of his back.

"Are you two insane!? Are you really starting a cat fight in Akira's room?" The girl who smacked the spiky haired blonde said standing tall over their crouched over forms.

"He started it!" they both said pointing their finger and paw at each other.

"I don't care who started it!" she yelled.

"Ann, why did you stop them? I was in the middle of my latest drawing revolving around 'Rage'." The blue haired artist spoke sadly.

"Are you kidding me? I thought you came up here to stop them! Not paint them!" One of the girls who came up the stairs said grabbing a hold of his notebook. She had short brown hair with a braided headband.

"Woah-hooo let me take a look at that puppy!" the orange haired girl said yoinking the sketchbook out of the brunettes' hands. This caused the blue haired boy to chase after the orange haired girl, who ran around in circles, trying to get his book back.

"Futaba! I need it back!" the blue haired male whined.

"Not a chance Picasso!" Futaba laughed.

While this happened, another screaming match ensued involving Mona, Ryuji, Ann, and Akira. The brunette sighed, pinching the section between her eyes in distain. "Haru can you help me stop this? I could really use a-- Haru?" the girl said before noticing her peach haired friend was not standing beside her. She looked around the room before spotting her sitting on the bed talking with you.

"Hello, my name is Haru. What is yours?" Haru said sweetly.

"Hi, my name's (Y/n)." you said. She seemed nice enough to talk to and not as intimidating as the others.

"It's nice to meet you (Y/n)! I haven't seen you here before. Are you close to Akira?" she asked tilting her head to the side cutely.

"Ah yes! We are close." you confirmed.

"Hmmm..." she placed her thumb and pointer finger under her chin in thought. She stared intently at you seeming to lean in closer to you until you had to lean back to keep space between the both of you. You stuttered out a 'Um' unsure what to do or say until she finally gave you space and sat back up with an excited look on her face. "Ah! You must be his girlfriend!" she giggled.

This caused all the others to stop what they were doing. Futaba stopped running around the room with Yusuke's sketchbook, Yusuke stopped chasing Futaba around, Ann stopped yelling at the cat and the blonde, Ryuji stopped arguing with the cat and Ann, Mona stopped arguing with Ann and Ryuji, Makoto stopped watching the others arguing, and finally Akira stood still no longer attempting to calm the others since they are quiet. Akira stared at Haru repeating the words she just spoke inside his head.

"Broooo... you got a girlfriend before me!?" Ryuji shouted causing the others to turn to Akira for confirmation.

Akira opened his mouth but no words came out and when the words finally came to him Ryuji interrupted him by wrapping an arm around his shoulders shaking him and continued shouting again.

"Way to go bro! Never knew you had it in you." Ryuji smirked widely.

"I believe this calls for a celebration." Yusuke smiled, excited for some food.

"I want SUSHI!" Futaba yelled running down the stairs. "Oh Sojiro, take us out for some sushi!"

"Sushi!? Count me in!" Morgana yelled chasing after the others.

Akira stood there speechless unsure of what to do. He was about to turn to you and apologize but saw you being taken away by the other girls swarming and dragging you down to the café downstairs. Akira took a big gulp before chasing the others, getting ready to explain that the two of you aren't really dating.


Sojiro, Akira's caretaker, opened the door open for the others as they swarmed into the restaurant with confused, depressed, sad faces. They all sat down absorbing they info they were all given. Akira is much too quiet and shy-ish to speak up about the two of you so you had to explain it to them since they were all so eager to hear what you had to say.

"Sooo... You guys really aren't dating?" Ann said sipping her drink.

"Sorry but we're not. We barely met each other." you explained.

"But you both are sitting soooo close to each other!" Futaba whined.

You and Akira looked at each other and indeed you both were in fact sitting really close. The both of you scooted away but not too far. You two didn't even notice.

"Geez, it's like watching two love struck middle-schoolers who can't admit their feelings." Makoto sighed. This caused Akira to blush madly and you to stutter out incoherant words.

"I think it's refreshing! Hehe it's cute." Haru spoke covering her mouth to hide her giggles.

"Love you say!? Yes, I shall draw the two lovebirds in all their glory!" Yusuke took out his book and started sketching, that was until the food came causing his stomach to rumble.

"Well whatever (Y/n) is to ya, I'm glad you found someone you care about." Ryuji said with a mouthful of rice. Akira raised a brow at this and when Ryuji saw this rolled his eyes and sighed at his friend.

"For once I agree with Ryuji, I've seen the way you two act with each other." Sojiro spoke taking a bite of his food.

"He's right you know. I drew this while we were walking on our way here. Here you can have it, there's too many inconsistencies in it." Yusuke said ripping out a piece of paper. The drawing showed you and Akira walking together side by side. The both of you looked at each other with smiles on your faces. You were wearing his blazer because you were cold and he offered. Since you were walking so closely together your fingertips were touching, almost as if you were about to hold hands.

Sojiro and Ryuji were complimenting the picture while Akira watched you. During this time you and the girls were having light conversation and laughing. Akira smiled seeing you enjoying yourself. At least you were having fun and getting along with the others.


It was late at night and the two of you were sitting in a booth drinking some coffee Akira brewed. The others went home, including Sojiro who left him to lock up. The two of you knew that you had to go back but you guys wanted to waste as much time as possible. You really liked his world, it reminded you of your world.

You wonder when Master and Crazy Hand were going to create your portal....

The both of you finished your coffees and helped him wash the dishes before the two of you slowly walked up the stairs to see the portal opened back up. The two of you walked through together and saw that you were the only ones in the portal room. Your clothes changed back to your battle clothes. Looks like you were the last one's to come out.

It was late and most of the smasher's were in bed, so Akira walked you to your room. When Akira got to his room he took out the drawing Yusuke gave him and hung it in his room. He smiled at it before heading off to bed. HE was glad he waited by that portal and got to introduce you to his friends. He'd definitely take you back there again someday.

Thank you again for the patience. This took me a few days to write but I'm back babbbbyyyyyy. Next chapter will be a continuation of the story :D

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