New Smasher! And a sick one...

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Morning. Another day. Except today was filled with the sounds of sirens and a voice booming around the mansion. If the voice and the floating icon saying a new challenger had arrived didn't give away what was happening then you didn't know what did. Voices and the sounds of thumping footsteps could be heard through the halls among the Smashers hurrying down to the battlefield to see who's fighting the newbie. After a couple minutes of mayhem, it was silent again in the mansion. Except for the sound of a panting (Y/n) having a hard time breathing because of a fever.

~Meanwhile at the match~

Bayonetta was in the middle of fighting both Pit and Dark Pit. At first others had jumped onto the battle field and challenged her but none were able to come close. Whether they were blown away by her rain of bullets or squashed by the limbs of her summoned demons or even dealt a ton of damage in just a matter of seconds because of witch time. Pit and Dark Pit were currently fighting their hardest, it didn't make it any easier on them when a smash ball floated right above her. Summoning Gomorrah to chew the two angels sending them back to heaven showed this wasn't a smasher to trifle with. Once the match was done, Bayonetta stood next to a flag they showed in the beginning of battle.

~Flashback to beginning of match~

The sirens have stopped by then. Everyone was gathered at the stands protected by an invisible force field protecting the onlooker smashers from being trampled on by random flying objects that included smashers. The stage has been changed to match with the new smasher's battle ground. A flag appears showing the smashers that this character came from Bayonetta. Pit has just finished off a practice match with Samus when Bayonetta appears.

Gets wicked

The purpose of these matches given to newcomers is so that they show the other smashers what they're made of. Everyone wants to battle newcomers, they were invited to SSB for a reason. Everyone wants to be the best of the best. What better way to show off than to battle the smashers. Anyone is welcome to jump in and fight the newcomers. Although since they are new, the stage and character settings are turned to easy mode, it wouldn't be a fair fight if they gave it their all on one newbie.


Around this time Master and Crazy hand have introduced Bayonetta as an official character. Once the introductions were done, people were dismissed to the fields or stay and fight for fun in the battle grounds. After all, it was one of those times when Master Hand would unlock all consoles allowing new and old characters from different versions of SSB to roam around freely. Snake and the ice climber were currently doing a team match up against Pokémon Trainer and Pichu. Once people have dispersed Master Hand called over the new smashers and introduced Bayonetta to them.

"Miss Bayonetta, as you can see there are other new smashers. Some new from months ago and some who have been here a while but were still introduced as a new character to SSB4. I hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask."

"Ah yes, I do have one. I was under the impression that there was one more new smasher here and yet I only count five. Where is the sixth?"

"One missing? Let's see Mewtwo, Lucas, Roy, Ryu, Cloud, and (Y/n)-.... Why you're right where is (Y/n)?" Everyone just shrugged their shoulders in response. "Hmmm, attention everyone! Has anyone seen (Y/n)?" Mumbles and worried whispers were heard as it seemed that no one knew where you were. Where were you? "Could she be back at the mansion. Oh dear, she must have forgotten where the field was. How foolish of me."

"Master Hand. I could go and bring her here." said Dark Pit.

"Ah yes, please do. Bring Pit along with you too." Dark Pit just simply groaned in response but obliged either way. Both headed off back to the mansion in flight.

"Pit. Look in the fields just in case she went off on her own and I'll look through the mansion."

"Alright Pittoo." Pit said diving lower to the ground to search for you more closely.

"Argh. It's Dark Pit! And meet back in 10 minutes at the stage!" he said soaring gaining speed to hurry to the mansion.

You were a sweaty hot mess. As time had gone by you seemed to have gotten worse. You wanted to try and open your eyes but the heavy sour feeling kept you from doing so. All the covers were on the floor from the tossing and turning. It wasn't just the fever that was sickening but the aching pain in your body that made you feel stiff. I guess you overdid it these past few days of training.

You wanted to get out of bed and get help but you knew everyone had gone out this morning. What could you do but just lay down and suffer. You didn't know the mansion inside and out enough to know where they kept the medicine. You didn't want to go rummage through the whole mansion looking for it either in your state. You were in pain, but there was nothing that could be done about.

Right about now is when Dark Pit had arrived at the mansion. The first place he checked was the kitchen. Not there. Next the dining hall. Not there. The living room, the bathroom, the gym, the indoor training room. Not there. The only place he hadn't checked was your room. Walking up the stairs to your room he hoped the search would end and he'd find you there.

"(Y/n)! So help me if you've been hiding there this whole time!" He called while stomping up the stairs. He reached the front of your room. "(Y/n)! You in here-" he yelled while slamming the door open but paused as soon as he saw the state you were in. "(Y/n)!?"

You didn't reply. All you could do was gasp for air and hug yourself to try to calm yourself.

"(Y/n)!? What's wrong!" As soon as he said that you started coughing very bad. "(Y/n) hold on I'll bring you to Master Hand!"

"Wait..." You croaked imbetween coughs. "I... Don't want to worry... Everyone..." You ended in a fit of coughs.

"What are you talking about everyone has a reason to worry!" He said attempting to carry you again. But you simply pushed him away. "(Y/n)!" He scolded. He paused to think this over.

It is true that if he were to bring you directly to the stage where everyone was would be a bad idea. Everyone would crowd you and ask the same questions you did when he first saw you you like this. You were smart even when you looked the way you did. But what could he do? Wait until everyone came back and wait with you or tell Master Hand but leave you alone.

"Grah! What do I do!?"

"Hey Pittoo! You weren't at the stage so I figured that you'd still be here. Where are you?" Yelled Pit from down the hallway.

Pittoo! That idiot actually came back! Now you could get help.

"Pit! In here!" Dark Pit yelled. Soon after, the sounds of rushing footsteps could be heard. Not even a few seconds later was the door slammed open.

"What is it!? Pittoo- huh (Y/n)!? What's wrong!?"

"No time to explain! Just go and bring Master Hand and tell him and only him exactly what you saw!"

"O-okay! I'm on it!" And with that he ran out of the mansion.

"Don't worry (Y/n)" he said holding your hand. "Help is on the way, just hold on."

As for Pit, he was currently flying straight towards the stage Master Hand was at to tell him the news. "Okay okay I just gotta hurry over and tell everyone that something is wrong with (Y/n)! And then everyone will help!" He said to himself completely forgetting what Dark Pit specifically told him to do.

Two minutes have passed until the stage came into view. Usually it would take five to ten minutes for smashers that could transport through air to go to the match stages but in this case, it was a emergency. Although, when new smashers are announced, a teleported appears and everyone is able to enter through it and instantly arrive at the stage. But, it closes after 10 minutes so Pit wasn't able to use it to come back to the stage. It took a lot of energy but he was able to get there in only two minutes.

"Guys!" Pit yelled flying closer to everyone sitting on the benches observing the match.

"Ah Pit! What's the news? Have you brought (Y/n)?" Master Hand said.

Pit finally landed in front of Master Hand who was seated in the middle of the seating area next to bayonetta and the other new smashers. Everyone was looking over to see what the comotion was. With a shaky breath Pit managed to speak out the situation.

"M-master Hand! Something's... Something's wrong with (Y/n)!" Now this caught everyone's attention, even the smashers who were currently in a match.

"Wrong? What do you mean?" Master Hand replied.

"Well you see, (Y/n) was having a hard time breathing! And she was all sweaty and looked in pain!" Now this made everyone start questioning Pit.

"She's in pain?!" Said Link.

"She can't breathe!?" Yelled Toon Link.

"She's hurt?!" Yelled Samus.

"What happened!?" Yelled Wii Fit trainer.

Questions were thrown from everyone. It wasn't until Crazy hand stepped that everything got quite.

"Everyone shut uuuuuuupp!!!!! Now Pit tell us exactly what happened." Crazy hand said in the now silenced stage.

"Well.... Pittoo wasn't back here at the stage like he said he was going to be so I went to the mansion to look for him. I heard him yell and when I went to see why I saw (Y/n) like that. Then Pittoo told me to get help so I came back here." Pit finished.

"Brother..." Crazy Hand said looking over to him.

"Pit. I need you to show me where she is exactly so I can see for myself." Master Hand said preparing to take off with Pit.

"Wait! Please take me with you!" Yelled many smashers wanting to come along.

"Everyone! You shouldn't worry we'll handle this just relax and stay here." said Crazy Hand taking off to catch up with the others, leaving behind a bunch of sad and worried smashers. Except for two who had something planned.

Greninja and Lucario were in the middle of a match when Pit arrived. Although it was cut short as soon as they heard the news. Both had their arms crossed with the same expressions. With both smashers having the same idea in mind, they both looked towards each other and nodded setting their plan into action. Standing back to back on the Battlefield stage they started running to the end of the stage jumping off and ending their match. This caught the attention of the other smashers who now looked at the battlefield stage with wide eyes. Now, matches end Smashers can either choose to battle again or EXIT the battlefield. Currently running below the floating battlefield were Greninja and Lucario heading towards the mansion.

Everyone had wide eyes and opened jaws that could touch the floor as they watched the two smashers running beneath them. It was nothing but silence. That was until Toon Link broke the silence with Ness, Lucas, and Villager following his lead.

"Wuaah! I can't take it anymore we're coming (Y/n)!" he said jumping off stage with the other three following. Now they too were also following after Greninja and Lucario, except with Villager's Lloyd rocket that everyone took a ride on causing them to move faster. Oh but it didn't end there for others decided to go see you as well.

"A true man doesn't let someone suffer like that!" said Ryu jumping off along with Little mac following.

"....!" Megaman said holding a fist in the air jumping off with Samus following.

"I'm coming (Y/n)!~" yelled Ganondorf jumping off with other smashers. Link hearing this had the sudden urge to jump off as well.

"Urg! We gotta go!" yelled Link jumping off after he grabbed Marth's hand who grabbed Ike's who grabbed Metaknights cape causing a chain reaction to form ending with them all falling off stage.

"A race? My my, how important you are to them dear (Y/n). Let the race begin!" said Bayonetta using witch time to get to the mansion and see who arrives first.


Master Hand and Crazy Hand had just arrived in the mansion who were currently going up the steps to your room. Slamming the door open, just like basically everyone else so far, they saw the state you were in. In fact, it seemed like you had gotten worse. Shivering and curled up in a fetal position, you looked horrible.

"Master Hand!" yelled Dark Pit who quickly stood up. "She's-!"

"Yes yes we know, now bring her down to the infirmary."

"Yes sir!" he said before turning to you. "I'm going to pick you up okay?" to which you nodded weakly.

Taking you in his arms you all went down stairs to the infirmary that was next to Master Hand's office. But as soon as they arrived at the bottom of the steps, they were met with a familiar face. Bayonetta.

"Bayonetta, what are you-?" Master Hand started.

"Dear me, oh dear, what that angel said was correct." she said walking up to you placing a hand on your forehead. "What a terrible fever. It looks like you have a cold, and a nasty one at that. If you would let me, I'd like to help."

"Would you great then could you go and get Robin and Dr. Mario?" said Crazy Hand.

"Brother! You shouldn't ask her to do something like that she is new-"

"I can assure I do not mind. I will be back momentarily." she said before running off. "Now where are these people? Oh!" Greninja and Lucario had arrived. "You two right there! Master Hand requires someone by the name of Robin and Dr. Mario. Might you now where they are?" They both replied by pointing off into the distance. "I see, well I better be off, you two should probably help keep the others away. Dear (Y/n) doesn't seem to be in a good enough condition to have visitors." Lucario and Greninja simply nodded in understanding. Once they were told Bayonetta set off.

It was only a matter of seconds until she came across Robin and a female version of him running alongside a short man dressed like a doctor. What luck. Thanks to her witch time she brought them back to the mansion quickly. It only took two minutes. It seemed that others have arrived such as four little smashers.

Dragging the confused smashers to the infirmary, Bayonetta was quick to hide from the smashers wondering where you were. She finally made it to the room and set the three smashers down, Robin, Ribon, and Dr. Mario.

"I apologize for the sudden news, but we need your help." said Master Hand.

Once they new the situation they did everything in their power to help you. Although there was one problem. You were from the outside. Health potions and recovery items were not going to work on you. They soon learned that after they gave you tons and tons of food from chests to heart containers to Maxim tomatoes. It wasn't until a couple minutes of hard thinking that they finally came up with a solution. Make a medicine similar to the one in the world you lived in or at least somewhat close. Lucky for them that everyone's rooms were filled with things from their own game world. And in those worlds are herbs that could be used to help you. Running around rummaging through everyone's room to find the right stuff to make medicine with, they finally had everything.

After hours of failed attempts and tiny explosions they finally whipped up a medicine you could take. By this time everyone had arrived in the mansion and could be heard from the infirmary wondering if you were okay. They were currently questioning Lucario and Greninja who were guarding a door making everyone think you were in there.

The medicine seemed to take affect in only ten minutes for you were no longer shivering or coughing but peacefully sleeping. Once you were in a deep sleep. Master Hand thought it would be best if you slept in your own bed. Walking out of the Infirmary protected in Dark Pit's arms he started heading towards your room. Receiving looks from the others who took notice of you they began running towards you about to yell for you. They were abruptly stopped before they could say a peep by Crazy Hand.

"All of you!" he silently whisper yelled. "(Y/n) is very sick and is currently sleeping! Please do not disturb her! When she wakes up you may see how she is doing!" with that he left leaving everyone else frozen in place.


"Sigh, I hope she'll be okay." said Pit.

"You were here when they gave her the medicine you idiot." said Dark Pit.

"Yeah but still..."

"Guys don't worry. We made sure the medicine took effect before sending her off to rest." said Robin.

"Yeah see? She'll be fine." said Dark Pit. Even though he said that he couldn't help but worry.

The dining hall had never been so quiet before. Everyone had gathered and had been waiting to hear from Master Hand who was with you to see if you had woken up yet.

Bayonetta was off somewhere and came back to see the aura in the dining hall. It was dark and dreary. Bayonetta didn't quite like the atmosphere so she decided to do something about it.

"What do you think you're all doing?" she said. No response except for a few heads looking up. "Wouldn't you all agree that when she wakes she'll want a good meal? My, she could get more sick if she doesn't eat anything at all." she said causing everyone to realize they could help you. A few seconds later the dining hall was empty. "Looks like I have the whole first floor to myself, might as well go and relax." But before she could take a step Ness came running down.

"Um! What do sick people eat?" he asked.

"Try making chicken noodle soup. I'm sure that'll help." she said before walking off.

"Got it. Chicken noodle soup! ... How do we make that?" he said walking back to the kitchen

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