*Chapter 27*

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Hey there beautiful reader, enjoy!


I didn't move after I heard the gunshot. I was so scared that if I moved, I would feel pain indicating that if I was the one shot or not. I clanged onto Jason tightly as I heard someone groan loudly. I felt Jason's body move under me and my heart raced.

He's alive!

"Jason!" I shouted as I looked up at him. He was sitting up slightly and holding a gun. He smiled down at me but quickly replaced it with a frown. I glanced at his head and saw a huge bloody gash on the side. I looked at him in panic, he need to get that treated before he looses a lot of blood.

"You fucker!" I heard someone angrily shout behind me. I turned and saw Steven bending down and holding his stomach. Blood was coming from his stomach quickly and from his mouth too. I looked over to Jessica in horror to what I just seen and saw Justin holding her back, and Daniel was pointing his gun towards Jason and I. This wasn't a place that I wouldn't dream of being in at the moment.

"I told you not to mess with me." Jason managed to spit out towards Steven. I turned back towards Steven and saw that he was barely moving. He was in one spot, trying to raise his gun towards us, but failing. "Shut up." He replied back. Daniel looked at Steven and motioned his head at us. I watched as they were silently planning something with their eyes. Justin still had Jessica held back and Jason was hugging me.

"Get up slowly." Hw whispered in my ear. I looked at Steven and Daniel and saw that they were now fully talking to each other, but whispering. They weren't paying attention to us. Jason lifted me up slowly and whispered in my ear again, "Get my gun and hold it."

I gulped and grabbed the gun from out of his hand that was behind my back. My hands started to sweat from the foreign object that I held. I've never held a gun before and I've never thought I would have to.

"Raise the gun towards them." He whispered again. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. This was probably the scariest and most intense moment in my life. I raised the gun at Steven and Daniel. Jason wrapped his arms around me and I heard him clear his throat. "Put your guns down." He announced to them.

The turned towards us and glared. Daniel threw his gun on the ground right away and raised his hands up. On the other hand, Steven did not. His grip on his gun tightened and he raised it up towards me.

I've never felt so betrayed in my life.

If he was going to shoot me, or Jason, I would shoot back for self defense.

"Cute. Jason has rubbed off on Shay. I wonder if she's braver and more confident than him." Steven smirked as he took the safety off the gun. My eyes widen and my heart felt like it was in my throat. Steven positioned the gun to me. Directly at my head. Steven wouldn't dare do it. Steven wouldn't dare shoot me. He can't do it. We've known each other since we were babies. He just wouldn't do it to get revenge on Jason.

Oh but I was wrong, so damn wrong.

I felt the stinging pain in my shoulder and made an ear piercing scream. I closed my eyes in pain and heard a whole bunch of noise as I tried to focus on the excruciating pain in my shoulder, and now my arm. I dropped down on the floor and cried. I didn't want to open my eyes because I was scared.

I heard more gunshots which quickly made me open my eyes. Steven dropped on the floor and grabbed at his leg. I saw Justin push a screaming Jessica out of the room. I looked over to Daniel and saw him on the ground. He wasn't moving. Blood was all over him and I saw a bullet hole in his head. I couldn't take my eyes off the sight. Daniel was dead.

"I guess I'm going to have to kill you too." Jason said like his voice was filled with venom Whenever he talked like that, it gave me the chills. It was like he turned into a different person, like he wasn't the Jason I knew and adored and hung out with. It was like a whole other side if him that he kept away from me.

Not even letting Steven talk or fight back, Jason shot him right in the head. He was instantly dead.

I started to shake as I watched Steven's body collapse. The moment his eyes closed I let out another loud sob. Jason dropped the gun on the floor and it bounced beside me, which made me jump. He just murdered two people! My best friend's brother and his best friend! I continued to cry as I thought about what just happened. I just couldn't believe it.

Jason looked down at me and gasped when he saw that I was crying so much. He kneeled down to me and placed his hand on my wound. "Shay, we need to get you to the hospital. Fast." He started to panic once I didn't answer him. I had no strength to even open my mouth. I was drifting off to sleep.

"Shay, you're loosing a lot of blood.." He placed his hands around my body when I started to close my eyes. I was still crying, but silently The pain was unbearable and I couldn't take it anymore. Sleep was also coming on me and I wanted to close my eyes so bad so that I could rest and get out of the pain, but Jason told me to keep my eyes open.

I was too upset to listen to him, and I just couldn't face the pain anymore.

I closed my eyes.

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