*Chapter 13*

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"Oww..." I moaned as he placed the ice bag on my cheek. I flinched as the cold pack rested against my skin.

"How did I know that this was going to happen? Didn't I warn you?" He frowned and looked down on the floor.

"Justin! He didn't mean it!"

"Yeah, you keep believing that. I saw what happened with my own eyes, Shay." I sighed defeatedly. He really didn't see everything. How could I not see this coming? I mean, he is a criminal.

But I thought he would change....at least for me?

Flashback (Earlier)

After that awkward little chat with Justin and his girlfriend, Jason and I sat by the pool.

He sat down on the white pool chair and pulled me on his lap. We sat there in a comfortable silence for a while, until he spoke up.

"I got a bad vibe around her."

I nodded, "Yeah, she seems kind of...off. I'm glad I'm not the only one who think that." I said, but my brain said something else 'You only think that because you're jealous of her and Justin', But I ignored that.

I'm not jealous, dammit!

"You know what they say, two great minds think alike." He said as he turned me around to face him. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him but someone interrupted.

"It's time to eat!" Pattie shouted to everyone around. I sighed and got off of Jason. He chuckled at my expression and lean in closer to me, "Don't worry, we will have our moment again later."

I blushed and looked down, while walking over to the table with the barbecue I grabbed a plate and took some barbecue, but when I went to turn around, I bumped into someone, causing the barbecue to spill all over my clothes.

"Whoops, I'm so sorry." She said. When I looked up in her face, she was smirking. What's her problem?

"Umm..." I didn't know what to say.

"Oh dear, you need to get cleaned up. Allyson, take her inside and give her one of your shirts out of your room." Out of her room? What the hell? She lives here or something?

"Okay." She sighed and gestured for me to walk with her. On the way inside the house, I could see Justin giving me a look of sympathy and I saw Jason rolling his eyes at her.

I followed her in the house and up the stairs. She didn't say nothing to me and I didn't say nothing either. We walked into the room next to Justin's. The guest room, as I could remember it as. The room was very girly. Pink walls, posters of boy bands, pictures of herself & Justin, a desk with a laptop, a shelf with books, a closet with shoes piling out of it, a flat screen tv, and this huge ass bed.

"Whoa." I didn't even notice that came out my mouth.

"Yeah. I know." She went in the closet -well, walk through closet- and grabbed a light blue t-shirt and threw it to me.

"Keep it." She said and pushed some shoes in her closet and closed it. She turned around and motioned for me to change shirts.

"You live her?" I finally asked, but when I had my shirt over my head.

"Duh. I need some place to stay, and Justin and Pattie was nice enough to let me in."What? What does she mean? Something is up, totally.

I didn't say anything else after that. My mind was just going over what she just said. Was she homeless? Did Pattie adopt her? Was she a criminal just like Jason?

I shook my head from the thoughts and put on the shirt gave me. Hm, it smells like Justin.

"Let's go." She put her hands on her hips and waited for me to follow her out. I walked out slowly and followed her back outside.

I didn't feel like eating. I had to tell Jason what just happened between her and I.

I spotted him by the pool talking to Justin. The looked like it was pretty serious. Confusion was written across my face but I still went over to them.

"Hey." I said and they immediately stopped their conversation. I looked at Jason, "I need to talk to you."

"I'll deal with it later." He said to Justin and gently pulled me away from some people.


"It's about Justin's girlfriend. We had a conversation back there in the house."

"What about?" He said and he sighed. He looked bored and like he didn't want to talk about her. Trust me, I didn't want to talk about her either but we both think something's up with her.

"She lives with Justin!" I gasped.

He didn't look surprised, instead, he looked annoyed. "Yes, I know this."

"W-wait..what? How?"

"I know everything." He said as he put his hands in his pockets.


"If you're a criminal, you got to know what's up around town."


"Yeah well let's get back to-HEY!" He shouted as he looked back at something behind me. I turned around and saw that he was pointing at a bush. Is he going crazy? He's acting a bit strange...

He started to run towards the bush. I watched in amusement as the bush started to move and a person came out. I've never seen him before. He was african american and was tall. He ran out the bushes and came forward to Jason.

He jumped on Jason and started attacking him. I gasped. I didn't know what to do. No one was around because we were on the side of the house. I backed up and stared in horror at what was happening.

Jason got up and pushed the boy off of him with so much force. That boy is strong! Then, Jason punched the boy in his face.

"Don't fucking follow me!" Punch.

"You better fucking get out of here Daniel." Punch.

Jason was about to punch the dude again, but before he could hit his face, the dude pushed him back, colliding with me.

I felt a sharp pain in my cheek, it was so bad, that I cursed in pain. "Ahh fuck!"

The dude ran down the street. Jason started to run after him. Holy shit! He didn't even notice that he hit me!?

He looked back while he was running. I don't think he noticed the tears rolling down my face and me holding my cheek because he said, "Don't tell anyone about this!" And followed the boy down the street in his car.

Tears blurred my vision, but I could hear his voice.


"That dick did that to you? Shit Shay, come here."



Anyone has any theories as of what is going on? What's the deal with Allyson? Who is this random dude and why is he attacking Jason? Why was Jason acting annoyed with Shay when she was telling him about Allyson?

Comment what you think!

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