*Chapter 10*

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I didn't have to even think about my answer. "Yes, I would love to." I swear he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Thanks babe. I gotta go now." He kissed my cheek and pulled back, he started to stare at something on my face, or neck. I couldn't tell because his eyes where roaming so fast.

"What's wrong Jase?" He smiled at the nickname I gave him. "Nothing, you're just beautiful. Bye." He climbed out my window slowly and winked at me. I said a silent goodbye and watched him climbed from down the side of my house, until he disappeared.

I sighed dreamily at the events that just occurred and ran downstairs to eat dinner with my family.


I was the first one to finish eating, and my mom noticed too.

"So you and Justin friends again?" My dad said amused. He always liked Justin and I swear him and my mom were planning an arranged marriage for us too. I shuddered at the idea.

"Yep. We talked it out, said it was stupid and immature that we hated each other for no reason and made up." I smiled at my dad.

"Good." He said then he got up from the table, pulling his dirty dish in the dishwasher.

"Goodnight." He walked towards his home office. My mom and I said a low goodnight. My dad loves to work, but he's not one of those dads that are into work so much that he doesn't care about his family. Work is half of his life and the other half is talking care of his family.

"So Shay, who gave you that mark on your neck? Was it Justin? Are you two secretly dating,  because it doesn't have to be this big secret, I'm fine with you dating and all and so is your dad. You know I think Justin is a good boy for you, but your dad's gonna have to kill him because of what's on your neck if he sees. I'm surprised he didn't. That thing is huge."

I gasped at my mom's sudden outburst. Whoa whoa whoa! I had a hickie? That's why Jason was looking at me like that! He is in big trouble! And don't get me started on what mom said about Justin and I.

Quick Shay! Come up with a good excuse!

"I uh- I-it's not what it looks like mom." Really Shay? I mentally slapped myself in the face for that one.

"It's okay Shay, I understand. I won't tell your dad." She said, but before I could say anything she winked at me and went upstairs.

I face palmed myself and went up to my room to get ready for bed.


The rest of the week was boring as usually and the only thing that happened at school on Friday afternoon was that the WHOLE SCHOOL BODY NOW THINKS THAT JASON AND I ARE AN ITEM.

I mean, maybe we're close to that but no.

We aren't.


"Ok, since you have a date tonight I'm going to come home with you to get you ready and make you sexy!" Jess was so excited when I told her that I was going on a date with Jason. Yesterday, she brought all of her pricey make-up, hair wands, and accessories to my house so I could start picking out things to wear.

And my mom also found out I'm going on a date, and shit, she wasn't very happy that it wasn't Justin. I also told her that Justin didn't give me that mark on my neck. By the way, it's gone now.

When we got to my house, Jess dragged me upstairs into my room.

"Time to get ready!" She squealed in my ear. She ordered me to go and take a shower. By the time I got out, she had everything out for me.

The shoes I would be wearing, the accessories, and of course, my outfit.

First, she did my hair, then my make-up. She didn't make my face like a Crayola box, thank god, but she kept it natural colors. Then I put on my outfit for the night.

By the time I got done, it was nearly time for Jason to be arriving soon.

"Aww Shay! You look so sexy! Jason won't keep his hands off of you! Well, it's not like he does anyway!" She winked at me.

I blushed at her comment, "Thanks Jess."

She smiled at me, "Hey, good thing your parents aren't home, your mom would be taking so many pictures and your dad would be most likely trying to kill Jason."

I laughed but before I could say anything in response, there was a knock on my window.


Of course he would be different.

Jess had a look of panic on her face.

"Relax, it's him." I opened the window to let him in.

He had on a blue shirt with black pants and blue/black supra shoes. He also had a leather jacket on.

"Wow Shay, you look stunning."

I blushed. "Thanks, and you look very handsome." He smiled instead of smirking. Nice.

"Aww you two have fun! And Jason, use the doorbell like any other normal person."

"Well you know I like to be different." He said, popping his collar to his jacket.

I smiled at him then pulled him towards downstairs.

"See ya later Jess!"

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