*Chapter 22*

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Justin's P.O.V.

I pulled back from Shay and smiled. I didn't mean for that to happen, but it did anyway. Kissing her made me realize that I really do like her. She's beautiful, and all I want is the best for her, and Jason's isn't it. He's dangerous and he's not someone Shay needs to be around.

I just hope she realize that. I just hope she backs off of him and be with me.


"Oh, shit. Justin I'm so sorry. I didn't want that to happen. It didn't mean anything."

That's not what I was hoping for. Thanks Shay. That really hurt. "Oh. Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." I faked a smile. I just don't understand how these feelings would come now.

I looked down sadly and tried to convince myself that it was just hormones and I would get over it in a few hours. Besides, I have a girlfriend.

Who I'm getting really suspicious of. She's being really sketchy lately.

I felt her place a hand on my arm and I sighed.

"Justin, don't tell me."

"Tell you what?" I asked as I looked at her. I blinked a couple of times and I saw her frown. She probably sees my pained expression on my face.

"You can't like me. You have a girlfriend. We're best friends. I have Jason now."

"But I do. And I'm just realizing it. I'm finally accepting it. Allyson is never home. She never shows me love. It hurts. And seeing you with Jason, the criminal. I don't want to see you in any kind of trouble. Why can't you just understand? Why can't everything be fair?"

"Justin. I don't know what to say." She said as her hands made their way to my hands and intwined them.

"Just tell me you like me back even if you like Jason more, just tell me." I said as I looked at her in her eyes.

Man, how did I get into this situation?

I was still looking at her, waiting for an answer. I was growing so impatient. It felt worst than waiting for your exam results. Or worst than waiting for your birthday and seeing what you got.


She sighed and let go of my hands. She looked down and shrugged.

That's all I needed to know.

She dosen't like me back.

I just got friend zoned.

I dropped my hands and turned toward the door. I started to walk, in shame. I should have never got my hopes up. She's happy with Jason. I don't understand why girls go for the bad boys and not sweet and caring boys that will actually take the time of day and spend it with them. What does he have that I don't have? Haven't you seen, we look alike for some strange reason!

"Justin, I'm sorry."

"No I'm sorry." I shook my head. "I'm stupid. You have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. We're just friends. Nothing more. I was just upset because my girlfriend hasn't been around lately and I was feeling lonely. Sorry."

I didn't want I hear what she had to say. I didn't want her to see the pain that was on my face.

I ran out of her house, ignoring her mom calling me. I was so mad at myself. I got in my car and drove back to my house. When I stopped at a stoplight, I angrily hit the wheel with my fists. Life isn't fair! Why can't Jason just go away! Why can't he just get out of my life?!

Why did he have to become part of my family?!

I'm going to need to talk with him.

Allyson's P. O. V.

I rolled my eyes as I saw the group messages from Steven, Jessica, and Daniel.

J: I am not going to a "group meeting" seriously, I'm not in your stupid gang Steven!

S: jess, ur part of our plan & ur doing exactly what we're saying, so technically, u are in the gang.

J: fuck I'm not

D: just come jess. remember u have to tell us what happened today

J: fuck u Daniel!

I typed in a response to the annoying ass people that I have to work with.

If you guys don't stop with all of this silliness, I will do u all a favor and chop your fingers off , & trust me, I've done it before. Now get me out of this damn group message!

I locked my phone not bothering about their responses and walked to my temporary home. My boyfriend, Justin's house, is where I was crashing of course.

I slammed the door and untied my combat boots and kicked them by the door. I heard footsteps come from down the stairs and saw the familiar short brown haired lady approach me. She had a look of sadness and it was mixed with surprise.

"Allyson! My god, we've been worried sick about you! Where have you been!" Pattie said as she hugged me tightly, clearly ignoring the look on my face.

I smirked and hugged her back. "It's a tough world out there, Pattie. I'm still looking for my family."

She let go and looked at me with concern. "But I told you, you don't have to look for them anymore-"

"No. Clearly you just don't understand. They are my family."

Pattie didn't say anything as we both looked at each other with hard eyes. I frowned. What If she was in my place? I'm sure she would feel the same way, looking and trying to find out how your family suddenly disappeared.

"Allyson?!" Justin's cold voice shouted from behind me. I looked away from Pattie and saw Justin at the door.

"Justin, baby." I said as I ran to him and smiled. He looked tired and his hair was all messed up. He looked sad.

I opened my arms to hug him but he stopped me.

"Where have you been?" He said, his voice still cold. He frowned at me and folded his arms. Was he angry?

"Places." I placed my hands on my hips. He has no right to be angry at me! He knows I go out from time to time trying to figure out information about my family.

"Places? Really? I - no we - deserve more than just that. You've been gone since we left from Shay's house last night. You left without informing my mom and I. You can't just do that! You have to tell us these things!" He angrily shouted. I heard Pattie walking over to us.

"When we agreed to let you stay here, you promised that you would tell us when and where you were going. You broke that promise three times already."

I could not believe them? Seriously? I could take care of myself. Are they seriously getting angry at me because I want to find my family?

"Promises are meant to be broken. I'm just trying to find my fucking family!" I shouted and turned to the door. I heard Justin shout for me, but I ignored him and slammed the door. I got into one of Justin's car that he gave me and drove off to Steven's.


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