I Have Friends! Yay me!

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So this isn't a story part, unfortunately, but I was tagged by my buddy Zelda_in_disguise so here goes nothing.

1. Do you like anyone?

Real people or imaginary people? Because yes to both

2. Do they like you back?

How am I supposed to know, I never talked to him... :(
Haha just kidding, I know one of them does but I don't talk to him anymore

3. What's your middle name?

My middle name is Neda! (Pronounced Knee duh) It was my great grandma's name :D

4. Single or taken?

XD awkward question but okay, I'm single, and I refuse to date until the boys at my school get their act together big time.

5. Best friend?

Uh. *internal screaming* ONE?
How about three? MysticWolfFire, seaweedgal, and my last friend doesn't have a Wattpad (but she should, amiright MWF?)

6. Best guy friend?

Well, since all of my guy friends that I used to have don't talk to me anymore, cry, I would say my older brother!

7. Who did I last text?

Not text, since I don't have a phone, lol, but I PMed MysticWolfFire earlier. She's one of the only people I ever talk to lol

8. Who's your favorite OTP?

*more internal screaming* Can I have five? Ima have five.
Bastillcatraz from the series Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson
Caleo from the Heros of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
Willyss from Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan
Halydia from Brotherband Chronicles also by John Flanagan
Zelink from the Legend of Zelda series (But I do kinda like MipLink....)

9. What's the last song you listened to?

Let it go/Vivaldi's Winter by the Piano Guys!!!! I love them so much!!!

10. Battery percentage?

Whoa, personal! Lol it's at 98% right now

11. Lock screen?

I don't have a lock screen on my Kindle, it's all ads, so how about my home screen instead? Okee.

I don't have a lock screen on my Kindle, it's all ads, so how about my home screen instead? Okee

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Yeah it's really dark, sorry, turning down the brightness on my Kindle saves battery, lol.
The cat picture says My mind not only wanders, sometimes it leaves completely, lol which is an accurate description of my life.

12. What is the reason you're on Wattpad?

For the stories, for the writing opportunities, and for my friends, because heaven knows I wouldn't be able to talk to them any other way, lol

13. When is your birthday?

I'm proud to say my birthday is August 24th! Sadly it's the first Thursday of my new school year, sigh

14. Tag twenty people.

I don't know twenty people so how about I just tag
AND (four people, I know tiny list, I feel like I have more OTPs than friends, lol)


So yeah! I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little better, I'm a weird person as you can obviously tell. See ya!


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