Nervousness, Worry, and Anxiety

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Was Link the kind of guy to buy flowers? Or was he a memories are more important kind of guy? Oh!!! Just relax, Zelda. Saturday is tomorrow. Keep your cool. Keep it.

Oh, don't give me that crap. Relaxing is for people who've actually been on dates before! Wait.... Was this a date? No, no, he is just your friend, who you haven't seen in four years, who is older and probably cuter than you realized, and he's a boy... The crazy thoughts I have in my bed. Sigh.

In all honesty, I was mentally panicking every second of every day. Would Link be different? Would he still like me? As a friend, obviously. How much has changed since I last saw him?

My mom and dad were no help either. Always teasing me about going to see my childhood buddy and rekindling our friendship... My mom seemed especially keen on the friendship, although she hinted at wanting us to be more than friends.

Hence my insane amount of worry. About going to my friend's house. I have a problem.

So, there I was, laying in my bed, trying to sleep at all costs, when my phone started to ring. It was Austin. Huh.

I answered. "Um, hello? This is Zelda, and really, do you know what time it is?"

"Zelda?" Links flustered voice came over the speaker and I freaked out. Had I really just said that to him? Sweet Nayru, please help me! "I'm really sorry to call you this late, but, well, I was wondering if you like flowers at all." Mystery of the universe solved. He is getting me flowers! Aww, how cute! I mean....he's my friend. Just a friend. Buying me flowers. Yes. Just a friend.

I forced my blush to go away. "Yes, I love flowers. Why?"

"Oh, no reason," he said quickly.

"You called me at 10:47 just to ask me a question for no reason?" I asked dryly.

"Okay, I'm sorry! I'm gonna hang up now. See you tomorrow, Zelda."

"Bye, Link. See you tomorrow." I hung up and put my phone away.

That was.....interesting. Normally Link was so easygoing around me. Now he was acting different. He's probably just nervous about tomorrow too. And of course it didn't help that we hadn't actually had a conversation in four years.

I eventually fell asleep, having a weird dream about falling through the earth before waking up to the sound of my alarm clock. My cat, Cucco, had climbed into bed with me and was purring softly on my stomach.

"Hey, kitty," I cooed as I stroked his soft fur. "I'm really nervous about today. Wish me luck!" Cucco patted my stomach reassuringly and I smiled, picking him up and taking him to the kitchen with me.

I felt much better after breakfast. I guess half of my worry was just hunger in disguise. I went back to my bedroom to get dressed.

Would he care if I looked good? Would he prefer casual, or fancy? Considering his personality, he wouldn't really care. Well, at least what I remembered.

Was I really basing everything I know about Link on what I knew about him?

It never occurred to me just how much I needed this hang out. How much we both needed this hang out.

Then again, not much about me has changed in four years. Sure, I've gotten a little taller, my hair's gotten paler, and a few more freckles have popped up on my face, but that's about it. My voice is still the same, my personality is still the same, my hobbies are still the same.

Wow. Way to reevaluate your life, Zelda.

I decided on simple jeans and a blue t-shirt. I braided my hair, then pulled on my favorite blue hat. No, Link definitely wasn't a fancy guy. That much I knew. I knew. I wished I could know instead.

I said goodbye to Cucco and my parents before getting in my car and driving to Link's house. He lived over three hours away, which was probably the reason we never hung out anymore. Three hours wasn't actually that long.

All the way there I was worrying and wondering. How were his little siblings doing? How was Austin doing? How was Link doing?

How much has changed since then?

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