Inside Jabu Jabu

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Sheik and I warily walked into Jabu Jabu. I was still thinking about Zelda. She had looked so sad to stay behind, and it hurt me inside. But we couldn't lose her, the fate of Hyrule would be sealed without her.

She had kissed me. Sure my skin wasn't the same, but that didn't matter. It had sent my brain into overdrive, and I wasn't thinking straight.

"Come on, Link. We gotta go."

I shook my head to clear my mind. We walked a little further into the fish. After a few minutes of walking, we began stooping as the throat was getting smaller. Eventually, we had to crawl, Sheik in front and me in back.

"Sheik, do you know anything about magic beings? Do you know what could cause such a dramatic change in his character?"

"I have no clue, Link," he called to me. "But I do know that annoyances can change my attitude toward anything fast."

I thought about what Sheik had said. It made a lot of sense. When my siblings annoyed me, I could get pretty snappy.

We came to a large room, probably the stomach. We peered over the edge, noticing a lake of stomach acid down there. I looked at Sheik.

"So, if what I've heard about stomach acid is true, we won't be able to get through that." I said.

Sheik stood up and stroked his chin. After about a minute, he lifted a finger and began to respond.

"I think I have just the thing. I know a basic spell that will allow us to survive, almost a protective barrier against the elements." He paused. "I guess in this case it's the acid."

He closed his eyes and began to twirl his arms around. A tingling feeling enveloped me. He looked at me and dove into the acid. I followed after him, noticing the easiness of the swimming with my Zora body.

We eventually reemerged in another room. In the center was a cage, with the Great Fairy inside.

Sheik rushed over, with me right behind. "Great Fairy! We've been looking for you! Are you alright? And why are you in that cage?" He asked.

She sighed before starting. "Jabu Jabu is upset. He's had a hard time after his infection. I thought I had been able to cure him, but it had only quieted his rage. I tried to enter him and use my magic to heal him, but it didn't work.

"Eventually, my presence was noticed by Jabu Jabu and he conjured up this cage to keep me captive. I've been trying to think of what could possibly be bothering him."

I nodded. "Sheik said that it's possible that something is agitating him. Maybe, parasites that caused the infection."

Her face lit up. "That could be it. Would you mind poking around a bit more to see if you can find the root of the problem?"

We nodded. We set about, walking a little further. We came across some electrified jellyfish. I went to swing my sword but stopped short as I remembered, right, that metal conducts electricity.

"Sheik, how do we stop them if I can't use my sword on them?"

He looked at me with a shimmer in his eyes. He conjured up a bolt of water, electrocuting the jellyfish. I watched in awe. I wished I could do that.

We continued to the next section. "Careful, Link. The spell will wear off soon and we'll be digested like all the other waste in here."

I nodded, drawing my sword. We came to the next room. Inside, was a massive worm like creature. Well, I think we found the problem.

It turned toward us and rushed. We barely had time to jump out of the way. I had dropped my sword, and quickly went to retrieve it. The worm charged me, but I was able to smack it out of the way with a well placed blow. I grabbed my sword. Sheik began a short chant. My sword burst into flames. Oh, yeah.

I swung the sword, nicking the monster. It recoiled in pain and I moved on it again. Sheik drew his sword and we struck together, sawing the worm in two. It collapsed, dead. Sheik burned the rest of the body with his magic and we could feel the tension in Jabu Jabu release.

I looked at Sheik. "We did it."

He nodded. We got the Great Fairy out of her cage and emerged from the fish bloody and disgusting, but alive.

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن