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I had had it with that stupid whip. And the stupid cage. And the stupid quest. And the stupid everything. I was done.

There was nothing I could do except cry. We were done for. Really done for. Reeeeaaaallllllyyyyy done for. Yay world. Except not yay.

Not yay at all.

The woman I recognized as Nabooru stepped towards my cage and snatched my hand. The Triforce piece glowed, and her eyes got wide.

"You...... It was you all along?!" She exclaimed angrily. "You have been right under our noses this whole time?!"

I bared my teeth, hoping to look intimidating. "I have. And unless you let me out right now, you're going to be taking Link and Sheik's place under the whip."

Nabooru paled, sliding her key into the lock on my cage. "Look, I'm so sorry about this. You need to free your friends. Your quest is now more important than ever."

She helped me out of the cage and I nodded, dashing out towards Link and Sheik. The Gerudo women paused as Ganondorf's expression turned from smug to surprise.

"WHAT IS THIS?" He bellowed, standing.

I stopped in front of the boys, facing him and holding up my hand to reveal my Triforce piece. "You will not win, Ganondorf."

The glowing on my hand intensified, nearly burning my hand. I felt dizzy and lightheaded as a bubble formed around me, expanding barely enough to surround Link and Sheik as well.

Guards rushed, jabbing their weapons at the bubble, but to no avail. It wasn't going anywhere.

Ganondorf stepped forward. He strolled to the bubble, glaring at me with contempt. "Naive little girl. Wisdom is nothing without power." He reached out, touched the bubble, and it burst. He grabbed me, his Triforce piece blazing. I felt something happen to me, like something was sucking away my insides....

My Triforce piece vanished, joining the Triforce of Power on Ganondorf's hand.

He smiled, letting go off me so I collapsed on the ground. "Now for you," he said, turning to Link.

I could barely lift my head and watch as the Triforce of Courage was taken from Link, could barely hold back my tears as I realized that we had failed. He had the Triforce. We lost.

Sheik stood slowly. "You do not deserve this power!" He said vigorously. "It will destroy you!"

Ganondorf grabbed him, his gigantic hand around Sheik's neck, choking him. "No, little boy. It will destroy you. Guards, attack!"


I screamed as one dragged me away, another leaping on Link, and another advancing on Sheik. There was no way we could get out.


Focusing intensely, I summoned all of the magic inside of me and released it all at once. Light flooded the dark throne room and it exploded, my world going dark.

I awoke in an unfamiliar bed, bandages wrapped around nearly every part of my body. A woman with white hair stood by my bedside.


Groaning, I sat up. "Where am I?"

"Welcome to the Sheikah Lands. I am Impa."

"Impa? Where are Link and Sheik?"

She paused. "Link is still in the collapsed Gerudo Fortress. Sheik...... He brought you here before he..." Her voice caught as tears streaked down her face. "Before he disappeared."

"Disappeared? Like, he vanished? Or like he's...." No. No..... No! It can't be! He's not he?

"He said goodbye to you, then left. He said there was some business he had to attend to."

Business? What? "Do you know what happened back there?" I asked, readjusting myself so I was in a more comfortable position.

Impa shook her head. "I do not. But I do know that the Triforce is in the hands of Ganondorf right now. If he survived what you did, then who knows what could happen to Hyrule now that he has that amount of power."

I nodded. "I need to find him and finish what I started," I replied, determined.

"Oh no you don't!" Impa said. "That magic you worked back there is killing you. If you don't stay here and rest you will die. Link can take care of himself."

"No! I can't leave him there! I have to go and help him-"

Impa shook her head. "I'm afraid I have to say no."

The door to the room opened and another Sheikah entered. "Impa. You need to come see this."

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now