The Reveal

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Zelda was blacked out on the floor. I picked her up and put her on the table again. I thought about what Zelda had said. Who was Sheik? Her boyfriend? I felt my cheeks get really red. I wasn't good enough for her...

It was an hour or so before she woke up again. It was really early in the morning and I was exhausted from being up all night. Zelda slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at me and blinked a few times.

"Link? You look awful."

"Well that tends to happen when you're worried sick about your hurt friend, then the furniture starts floating and you can't sleep."

I mentally slapped myself. Stop complaining. She's the hurt one.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing okay, I think. Stuff was floating? That's weird."

She paused, looking lost in thought.

"Are you going to tell me about this Sheik guy we need to save?"

She was jolted back into reality. "Oh, right! Sorry! I had a crazy dream. This guy, named Sheik, came to me and outlined a quest that you and I need to go on to find the people the Triforce will choose and save Hyrule."

So, Sheik wasn't her boyfriend. Phew. I was still confused. "Wait, so what do we need to do? I'm still super confused. And how did stuff just randomly start floating?"

She continued, "Oh, Sheik also told me that I have magic, so that would explain all the floating stuff. I'm still confused too, so don't look at me."

I felt my jaw drop. Zelda has magic? "Where do we need to go?"

Zelda shook her head. "I don't know. The dream was interrupted by this really creepy guy named Gannondorf. I think he might be the bad guy we need to stop. But you'll need to bring a sword."

I looked at her in surprise. "Why a sword?"

"Don't you know how to use one?"

"Well, sure. But why?"

"It's going to be a dangerous quest. You're going to want some way to protect yourself."

"Oh, right. Wait, if you have magic, can't you just heal yourself?"

"If I knew what I was doing."

I nodded. I left real quick to go find a sword. I found my dad in the shop.

"Hi, Dad."

He looked toward me. "Link, my boy. How are you? And how is Zelda doing?"

"She's awake and doing okay."

He walked toward the wall and picked a covered package off the wall.

"I have something for you, Link. Come here."

I walked toward him, and he uncovered the mystery item. It was a beautiful sword. The blade was made of folded steel, modeled after the typical longsword fashion. The hilt was carved with many swirls and designs and featured a Triforce symbol.

"Oh, it's beautiful, Dad. How long did it take you to make?"

"It took about a year to make it and do all the carving." He held the sword out to me. "It's the finest quality blade I've ever made, suitable for a fine young man like you, Link."

I took the sword and swung a few times to test it out. It was lightweight, but didn't bend. It was perfectly balanced and easy to handle.

"Thank you, Dad. This is a great sword. I have a feeling I will be able to put it to use. Thank you for the time and effort you spent making this for me."

I gave him a hug and headed off to check on Zelda. I came back to find Zelda standing.

"I think I got my magic to work. My ankle feels better. I still shouldn't push it, though."

She began to take a step and lost her footing. I dropped the sword and rushed to keep her from hitting the ground.

"Well," she said. "Not all better. Darn magic."

I laughed a bit and set her on the table again. She laughed with me and I grabbed my sword. I set it on the table next to her.

"Wow, is that your sword?" She asked.

"Yeah, my dad made it for me."

"Well," she said. "I guess we better figure out what we need to do."

Just Like Old Times: A Legend of Zelda AUWhere stories live. Discover now