Weird Dreams

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For the sake of your sanity, never, I repeat, NEVER TRY TO SLEEP WITH A BROKEN/BADLY HURT ANKLE WITH A CUTE BOY WATCHING YOU AT ALL TIMES AND HOLDING YOUR HAND. It results in some very, ahem, interesting dreams. I know from experience.

As I laid there, trying not to cry(a lot harder than it looks because Link looks like he would totally be okay with me sobbing into his shoulder) and slowly falling asleep, my dreams began.

"Zelda? Hello? Are you asleep yet?" The masculine voice was joined by a face, a black haired boy with a sharp jaw and piercing eyes wearing a purple outfit with a red symbol that looked vaguely familiar. "I'm sorry to have to do that to you, but I really needed to talk to you."

The space around us was dark and I reached out to touch it. The darkness recoiled, as if in pain.

"Ah! Don't touch that, please!" The boy exclaimed. "It's very hard, especially for me, to hold a dreamscape together. And you poking it dispels my magic!"

"Okay, sheesh, calm down! I'm just sorta freaked out. What did you mean when you said you were sorry for what you did to me?"

He bit his lip and gave me an apologetic shrug. "I used my magic to get your foot stuck in that horse's saddle. Like I said earlier, I needed to talk to you badly." He held out his hand. "I'm Sheik, your personal Sheikah Magic Guard. Impa told me I needed to talk to you today."

My head spun. Sheik? Sheikah Magic Guard? What in Hyrule? I tentatively shook his hand, worried that the thing with the darkness would happen to him.

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