Found Link, Lost Link

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Link's jaw fell when Saedi and I explained what happened to Sheik and Aby. "Probation for twenty years? No way!"

I held back tears. "I don't understand why though. I was completely okay with Sheik going back for Aby. I was in no danger whatsoever."

"And I didn't know Aby was guarding me until she reached out, which was after the whole capture thing," Link said.

I noticed Saedi kept her stern expression. "It was for your own good, you two. Both Sheik and Aby failed their duties, Sheik twice and Aby once. I'm surprised they didn't strip him of his Sheikah rank entirely and force him back to his old life," she said with a hint of amusement. "It would've been better for him."

Silence settled in the room as Saedi excused herself. Part of me wanted to scream at her for being rude, part of me wanted to call her out for abandoning Link in his condition, and the last part of me was grateful for her absence. I moved from laying on the edge of Link's bed to sitting by his side, careful of his injuries as well as my own. The bandage across his chest was red stained.

"Does it hurt?" I asked quietly.

He shrugged, but winced. "Yeah, a little."

I started to cry, burying my head into his chest. "I didn't mean to blow up the Fortress, I'm sorry." He shifted a little underneath me but put his arm around me.

"No, I think you made the right call."

"Think of all those poor Gerudo women who might've died in that accident..." I trailed off, my tears wetting his chest bandage.

Link sighed. "Sometimes you shouldn't. It will drive you insane. Besides, Ganondorf would've used them sooner or later." His voice was soft and soothing.

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah, okay." But my sobbing started back up again.

I felt so stupid, crying so vulnerably in front of him after he had just gone through so much. I was mostly healed, but Link would be out of commission for days until he healed.

Poler? Yes, milady? How long do stab wounds take? Based on the severity of Link's wound, I would say up to a month. No. I'm afraid so. Okay then.

"So how long are we supposed to stay here?" Link asked finally.

"According to Poler, my new Sheikah Magic Guard, about a month until you're all the way healed."

He groaned, from the pain but also from frustration. "We don't have that long!"

"I know, which upsets me."

"We need to get out of here and find Ganondorf."

I smirked, poking his exposed stomach. "Absolutely. But we can't get out without everybody finding out." He smiled and shifted in his bed again. I pulled a chair over and sat down, still leaning on Link.

He was breathing deeply before he fell asleep. I got up and let him sleep, walking back to the room the Sheikah had lent to me. Poler came and visited me, bringing me lunch as well. I wolfed it in before curling up and falling asleep.

Sheik came to check on me when I woke up. "How are you doing, Zelda?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Okay. I would be better if I could see Link, though. Anything you can do to fix that?"

He gave me an apologetic smile. "Weeeeellllllllllll, there's something else. Come on." I pushed myself out of bed and followed my old guard to the large room we were in earlier.

Impa was conversing rapidly with several other Sheikah. "Where is Saedi?! She was supposed to be with him!"

"With who?" I asked, loud enough for their attention to turn to me.

Impa rubbed her eyes. "With Link. He disappeared, leaving a note on his bed signed from Ganondorf. He wants you to come find him or your family and Link's family both die."

"No......." The words refused to come out. "Why?" I choked. "Why me? Why Link? Why our families? What does Ganondorf ever hope to accomplish? I..... I....." I lost my voice and cried.

Saedi ran in, carrying Aryll in her arms. "I'm here, Impa. I managed to free the little girl. Several other Sheikah are trying to get the rest of their families out." Aryll saw me and ran to hug me.

"Zelda!" Her little arms wrapped around me tightly. "Link told me to tell you this right before this nice lady saved me. The Triforce, it's left. The mean guy doesn't have the pieces anymore."

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