A Call From Link

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Zelda's POV

I still remember the way Link's nose used to crinkle when he smiled. It made my head hurt thinking about him.

He had been gone, what, almost four years now? I slumped back in my chair, resting my chin on the desk. Link would've enjoyed this lecture, my history teacher's usual rant about the latest archeological digs. He had been obsessed with that stuff when we were kids.

I smiled, remembering the good times we had had. We were a dynamic duo, always getting into trouble and messing around together. Adventuring was our thing.

Class ended soon and since it was my last period of the day, I grabbed my bag from my locker and raced home. I needed to get a headstart on my homework because it would take me a long time to finish my math work.

I opened the front door and started walking towards my bedroom, but my mom called me down as soon as I got there.

"Zelda? Can you come down here? I need to talk to you!" She called.

I sighed, dropping my bag on my bedroom floor and going to the kitchen. She was smiling, as usual.

"I got a call from Link's father, Mr. Carson, today!"

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes, and he said that he wanted to arrange for you two to hang out sometime!"

I let out what I'm sure was a very embarrassingly high pitched squeal and hugged her. "That would be so awesome!"

She chuckled, ruffling my hair. "I knew you would be excited. And, since school is getting out soon, you would be able to hang out more frequently."

A million thoughts flooded my mind. What were we going to do? What was I going to say to him? What would seeing him after all this time be like? Knowing me, it would most likely be really awkward... But hey, at least he's awkward too! I hope...?

"Well, so you want to call him back and set up a time to meet?" Mom asked.

"What do you think? Yes!" I pulled out my phone and opened up my contacts. "What's his number?"

Rolling her eyes, Mom took my phone from me, plugged Mr. Carson's number in, and dialed.

"Hello, Austin? Yes, it's Sara, I'm just calling from Zelda's phone. She was very excited when I told her. I would've loved to see Link's reaction!"

I bit my lip, trying to imagine what he looked like. Four years could change a lot about one person. Maybe he was taller? More muscular? Oh.... The image of my scrawny best friend suddenly buff made me blush.

"How about you give your phone to Link, and I'll give Zelda her phone back, so they can talk out all the details? Alright, talk to you later, Austin." She held the phone out to me and I reluctantly accepted it. He definitely would sound different, I knew that for sure.

I put it next to my ear. All I heard was silence. "Umm, Link? You there?"

I nearly dropped the phone when he answered. I didn't expect his voice to be that deep, but it was higher than I thought it would be. It hadn't changed much since I last heard it. "Zelda! Hey, uh, what's going on?"

"Not much," I replied. "When do you want to meet up? I'm pretty much available anytime, minus school days."

"How does Saturday sound?" He asked tentatively. "I'll be done with my work around here by then."

"Sure!" Oops. A little too eager. Let's try that again. "I mean, sure, that sounds great. My house or yours?"

There was silence for a bit before he responded. "Mine? I have some things I want to show you."

I laughed. "Not like my house is very interesting. So.... I'll come over early Saturday morning and we can hang out all day, then I'll go home? How does that sound?"

"Sounds great. See you then, Zelda."

"Bye, Link!" I hung up, feeling satisfied with the way I handled that conversation. Mom smiled at me.

"Have fun waiting for Saturday to come, Zelda," she said with a wink.

How would I be able to wait until Saturday? Well, I've waited this long to see him again, I guess I can wait it out a little longer. But it was already killing me.

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