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As I was satted at the shot gun seat. He was about to drive but I stopped him. And he glared at me.

"Your sick, You can't drive."-I said and he sighed in frustation.

"But I can."-He said stubbornly and I huffed annoyingly.

"You can't your sick! Do want us to die?"-I said, And frown at that thought.

I dont want to die because of his stubborness.

"Then you can drive."

"I-I dont know how to drive."-I said, feeling embarassed.

Eventhough I wanted to learn how to drive, What for? I can't even afford buying a car, even a cheap one.

"See? Then I'll drive."-He said demandingly.


"Psh, I can drive okay? So stop worrying about me."-He said, it came out softly.

"Who says I'm worried? I just dont want to die because of you."-I huffed.

"Sure you aren't"-He said while smirking.

He started driving, And I just sighed. He's really a stubborn one. As I he was driving, I can see his eyes starting close and opening again. I got worried immidietly.

"J-Jungkook, Are you alright?"-I asked him worriedly.

He just nodded, Trying hard to stay awake. I dont know why he was denying that he isnt sick, but obviuosly was. I get that he's afraif of hospitals, But I didnt know he's that scared. Atlast, We arrived at some kind of building, I'm guessing it was a condo unit building.

I was the first one who got out of the car fast, I walk to Jungkook's door and opened it. Jungkook step out and started to walk weakly. I walk closer to him and snatch his arm and put it on around my neck. He was then startled at my action. Trying to push me away.

"I dont need your damn help!"-He said, making me flinch slightly. But I didnt bother paying attention to his stubborness and started walking inside the building.

As we were walking to the elevator, I stopped.

"Whats wrong?"-He asked making me look at him.

"Nothing."-I answered quickly.

We stepped inside the elevator. And he pushed the 10th button. Luckily, There wasnt any people inside the elevator.


After we heard that, The elevator suddenly opens. We stepped out and walk to hia room. I opened it and lay Jungkook at his big couch. As I was about to sit, When he suddenly stood up running towards a small room, I'm guessing it was a bathroom.

I quickly followed him, I watched him puked at the toilet. While I was rubbing his back softly. After a few minutes he stopped and I handed him a towel. After wiping he threw it at the trash can. I was about to get it, But I stopped in my tracks when I saw him stripping his shirt infront of me.

"W-What are you doing?"-I stuttered, Making him look at me.

I saw his 6 packs abs.

Those biceps.

Those muscles.


I'm getting har-- SNAP OUT OF IT TAEHYUNG!

"Taking of my shirt. Its full of puke idiot. "

Then he threw me his shirt. I quickly threw it at the sink. Gosh, It smells so bad. But I can still smell Jungkook's masculine smell. Yummy! Joke!

Thats when I noticed Jungkook leaving the bathroom. I followed him to his room. He quickly lay on his bed, After throwing off his jeans. I can see his built abs, As my eyes goes down Leaving him with his boxe--


I look around his room. I chuckled at what I saw. I saw some stitch toys displayed. A poster, A pillow and some other stuffs. HAHAHAHA! Who wouldve thought that Jungkook likes Stitch?

"Shut the fuxk up!"-He yelled at me.

"Psh, Stitch!"-I teased and got closer to the bed.

"Fuxk you!"

"Stand up."-I said.

"Why the fuxk would I?"-He answered still laying down on his bed. Eyes closed.

"Put a shirt on dummy!"

"Fine, Your such a loudmouth. Just get me a shirt at my closet."

I quickly obeyed him and opened his closet. I felt my mouth open when I saw his clothes. He was definently rich. All of his clothes has brand and obviously expensive. I got him a new shirt and handing it to him. He was lying at the couch his arms on his head.

"Heres your shirt."-I said getting his attention. I heard him groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"Can you put my shirt on me?"-He said. Still not moving at where he is.

"What are your 4?"-I sassed.

"C'mon! My heads fuxking pounding! Its your fault why I'm like this!"-He growled at me.

"Why the potato its my fault?!"-I yelled at him.

"I was waiting for you at the park and it started raining! Its your fault!"

I sighed frustatedly, My nerve on this guy. I let him sat up on the couch. He raised his arms while I put his shirt on. My eyes roam at his built body. His 6 pack-- TAEHYUNG FOCUS!

I snapped out of my thoughts and finished dressing jungkook up. He then lay at the couch his eyes closed. I sighed and went to the kitchen. I checked his fridge if he has any medicines or foods. But there was none. All I can see is chocolates and beers and soda. And cup noodles.

Who in the world would put cup noodles in the fridge?

I walk to the living room where Jungkook is. I saw him sleeping, I can't help but think he was really cute. The way his chest rise as he breathe. Its really hot though. I lowered my body and I nudged him softly, Trying to wake him up.

"Jungkook, I'll just buy you medicines and some foods."-I said to him softly. And stood up and about to walk away when I felt his hand grab mine. I stopped at my tracks and stood there like ice.

"J-Jungkook.."-I breathe.

"Don't leave me please. Tae.."-I heard him saying. His voice was soft. Not the usual voice he was always using. I'll kill to hear that voice again.

"I'm not leaving, I'll just buy something from the store."-I said softly.

"But Tae!"-He said sounding like a whining child.

"Jungkook, Do you want to go to the hospital then?"-I threatened playfully.

"Fine."-He then let go of my hand.


Hi guys! How are you? School's hell! I hope you like this chapter. Btw! I'll be doing a girlxboy version of this book but its on tagalog. So Do I have any Filipino readers here? MABUHAYY HAHAHAHA

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