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I pick a book from a tall shelf which I have to tiptoed, because i was little. I satted at the dark side of the library, Eventhough its a bit dark I can still read what I'm reading. I guess its one of my power. Joke, I can still see becaude if the light from the other side of the room.

I skipped all my classes today because I'm bored. I rather teach myself than listen to my boring professor. Every student didnt understand the fuck he was teaching. Well, Except Taehyung.

Eversince that boy transfer i couldnt stop myself from looking at him. Nope, I dont like him. I just found him a-attractive. Yep. I closed the book I was supposed to be reading this damn book but I got lazy.

I stand up and exited the library. I didnt even notice that it was getting dark. I must have overread. Wait, Is that even a word? Nevermind. As I was walking I run into one of my Proffesors.

"Oh. Park Jimin, what are you still doing here at this time?"-He asked.

"I overread."


"Yeah, Bye."-I said and walk pass him.

I didnt bring my car today. Well, I'm too lazy to drive it. While I was walking I remembered something. Oh fuck! I got to go to Yoongi's. I left my phone there. I slept there yesterday and I didnt notice that I forgot my phone. It still must at Yoongi's room where I slept.

We slept together, Dont get the wrong idea. Because me and Yoongi are just friends. Nothing more.

I run to Yoongi's house. It wasnt that far though. I press the door bell as I pant. Trying hard to catch my breath.

"Oh, Jimin? The fuck you need?"-He asked curiosly.


"I left my phone at yours yesterday. Dont cuss on me bastard."-I said and he rolled his eyes.

Then He let me in. I ran upstairs to his room. And I saw my phone lying at his bed and I quickly grab it. I was about to leave when trip unto something.

"Fuxk!"-I hissed when I fall to the floor hard.

Then I heard the door open.

"The fuck happened you dwarf!"

Psh -_______-

"I trip you asshole!"

"HAHAHA, good for you."-He laughed and I glared at him.

"Gee, Thanks Friend."-I said but theres a hint of sarcastic in my voice.

I stand up and look to the thing that cause me to trip.

Oh its a book.

Thats weird.

"What the fuck is that book doing there?"-I asked as I pointed it.

You might think I'm overreacting but Yoongi never bring school books at home. Well, He never study. Thats why he got F's in his tests.

"Thats not mine."-He shrugged and pick it up.

So someone has been here?

"Then who owns it? Its not like that book can walk."

"It belong to Tae--"

He suddenly stopped and put his hands on his mouth.

"What? Taehyung? Taehyung's been here?"-I asked.

"Y-Yeah, Fuck."


"Stop interviewing me. Mind your own damn bussiness. Fuck, I have to give this back to him."-He groaned.

"I can give him the book if you want."-I said.

"Okay thanks, Here."-He said and handed me the book.

"So yeah, I should probably go."-I said and he just nodded.

I was walking in a dark alley. I'm not scared though, I hold the book in my hand. The book has Tae's name on it, It really is Tae's book. Well I thought Yoongi was kidding at first. I stopped in my track when I heard a person yell. I run to the sound of whimpering and begging. And I saw a few men on top of one person. I walk closer and my eyes widen when I saw Taehyung.

"TAEHYUNG!"-I yelled.

I ran to them and use the book as a weapon. I kicked the man's stomach and he just groan because of pain. I punched there and kicked there, Not caring if I kill them all. I was to angry to care. How could they do that to an innocent young boy especially Taehyung? They will fuxking pay for this.

But unfortunately they got away.

"FUCKERS!"-I yelled as they limp away. Psh.

I focus on Taehyung whose lying there helpless. I carried him in bridal style. He was unconscious at that moment. I felt pity for the Taehyung, He doesnt deserve any of this. He has bruises and cuts from his body. Fuxk, I should've killed them. I didnt kniw where Taehyung live so I decided that I should bring him to my condo. I stare at Tae's face, How can he still be beautiful despite having bruises and cuts?

Wait what am I saying? Im not gay.
































But maybe for Taehyung I may be bi.


fck my english. Lol, sorry for the long wait HAHAHA. Im still thinking of what couple will end..? But most said that all of them. How can i-- fivesome relationship? I still dont know yet. Btw thanks for 400+ reads and votes and comments. I apreciate it all. Love ya guys😂😊❤

different | kthxbtsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon