Chapter 32

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Peeta P.O.V.

I don't have a way of tracking the time, but I know I've been sitting here well over an hour. The rain has let up a few times, but never long enough for me to carry Katniss back up the hill.

I can feel the tendrils of sleep trying to pull me under, but I can't give in. I have to stay awake.

Katniss's hand twitches against mine, and I quickly look down at her.

"Katniss?" She goes still again, and I sigh. I squeeze her hand and run my thumb over her knuckles.

"Katniss, can you move your hand again for me?" I ask her. "I just need to know that you can hear me." I look over and notice that the gash in her head is bleeding worse.

I take the bottom of my shirt and use it to dab the blood off of Katniss's forehead.

"I've got to get you home. You can't wait any longer," I say, knowing I won't get a response. I carefully pick Katniss up, but she starts breathing heavily, and her eyelids start fluttering as if she's trying to open them. I sink back to my knees. I use one arm to support Katniss's back, holding her close to me, while my free hand brushes the hair out of her face.

Katniss starts moaning as her eyelids start to open.

"Shh. You're okay, Katniss," I tell her softly. "I'm right here. Just calm down and open your eyes. Please."

It takes a few minutes, but Katniss finally opens her eyes just enough to where I can see them. I smile at her as the tears start rolling over my cheeks.

"You're okay," I breathe out, more for myself than for her.


"It's okay," I say softly. "I'm right here." I lean over and press my lips to her forehead.

"Hurts," Katniss moans as she stars to cry.

"Where are you hurting?" I ask her.

"Back and…" Katniss closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Your head?" I ask her. Katniss barely nods. "Okay. Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"Twisted... ankle," Katniss says between heavy breaths. "Can't… Can't breathe." I quickly sit Katniss up, and she starts coughing, wincing with every movement. Her hand flies to her side.

"Are your ribs hurting too?"

"Yeah," Katniss says before she starts crying really hard, making her cough harder which then obviously adds to her pain.

"Kat, you're okay. Just calm down. Alright?" I tell her. Katniss nods her head. "I'm going to carry you home. Just hang on to my neck."

I help Katniss slowly wrap her arms around my neck, and then I carefully stand back up.

"It's raining, but I'll try to hurry," I tell her. "We've got to get you dry and warm as soon as possible."

Katniss nods, and I take off walking. I watch my footing going up the hill, trying to avoid slippery rocks and the mud. I tighten my hold on Katniss, making sure I don't drop her.

Once we reach the top safely, I look down at Katniss.

"You okay?" I ask her. Katniss nods slowly, and I start walking again. "Do you remember what happened?"

"No," Katniss croaks out as she rests her head over on my shoulder. "I was… up-upset."

"Yeah," I say as I nod my head. She tries to talk again, but ends up wincing. "Just rest right now, okay? We'll talk about it later." Katniss starts to close her eyes, and I start frantically shaking my head.

"No. No, Katniss. Look at me, honey," I tell her.

"Tired," she mumbles.

"I know," I say. "I know you're tired, but please stay awake for now. At least until we get you to the hospital." Katniss's eyes widen, and she starts shaking her head. "I just want to take you to make sure nothing's broken."

Katniss sighs and slowly nods. It takes almost thirty minutes to finally reach the edge of the woods.

"We're almost there, baby," I tell Katniss softly. Once we reach the house, I run over to the car and carefully sit Katniss down in the passenger's seat.

"I'm going to go check on the kids real quick. Okay?" Katniss nods once. "Look at me. Try not to fall asleep while I'm gone. I'll hurry."

I quickly walk up to the house, and Willow jumps into my arms as soon as I open the door.

"Daddy! Daddy! Did you bring Mommy back?"

"Yeah. She's out in the car, baby girl," I tell her.

"Why is her in the car?" Willow asks. "Can I go see Mommy?" I look over to see Haymitch walk into the room, and I take a deep breath.

"I'm going to take Mommy to the hospital to make sure she's okay," I tell Willow. "We'll be back later, then you can see her. Okay?" Willow nods, and I kiss her forehead. I put Willow down on the floor, and she runs off.

"Is she okay?" Haymitch asks quietly so Willow can't hear.

"Katniss fell down a hill and is bruised up. I just wanted to make sure she didn't break anything," I say. "I don't know what time we'll be back, but…"

"Go," Haymitch tells me. "The kids will be okay."

I nod and take a deep breath. "Thank you," I say before I turn around and take off running towards the car. I sit in the driver's seat and look over to see Katniss trying her best to stay awake.

I reach over and gently grab her hand as I start the car up.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I tell her. "You have no clue how scared I was."

"I-I'm so…" Katniss starts coughing again, and I reach over and rub her back.

"Shh. You're okay, Katniss. There's nothing for you to apologize for," I tell her truthfully. I glance over at Katniss and notice that her head as begun to bleed again.

I take a deep breath, bringing my focus back to the road, and to getting Katniss to the hospital as fast as I can.
So I guess it's been decided that I'm going to write a sixth book. 😂

Also, I don't say this enough, but I want to thank EVERYONE who reads, votes, or comments on my stories. You have no clue how much I appreciate it. I posted Always on here a little over two years just to see what would happen. I didn't think anybody would actually read it. But it is currently at 20K and that makes me feel so happy. Thank you all soooooo much. 

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