Chapter 6

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Peeta P.O.V.

"Rye, please stop crying," I say as I rock him back and forth. "I know you want Mommy, but she's taking a nap right now." Between getting her energy back from when she had Rye and worrying about Willow, Katniss is absolutely exhausted. And, of course, Momma's boy is in mood.

Rye's little face is as red as fire and his little knuckles are white where his fists are so tight. I have a feeling that his temper is only going to get worse as he gets older. I mean, I know babies get mad, but Rye practically stays mad unless Katniss is holding him. She's got the kid spoild.

"Peeta?" Katniss says tiredly as she comes down the stairs. "Do I need to take him?"

"No," I say as I shake my head. "Go back to bed."

"Let me take him with me," Katniss says. "He'll cry until I take him anyways. I nod and Katniss takes Rye from me. "You have to go pick Willow up in a few minutes anyways. I hope she had a good day today."

"I'm sure she did," I say reassuringly. "She acted like she felt better this morning and she didn't cry hardly at all when I dropped her off."

"But today was her first day in her new class," Katniss says.

"And I'm sure she did okay," I say. Rye starts crying and Katniss hands him back to me.

"You can change his diaper while I fix his bottle," she says. I laugh and carry Rye upstairs to the nursery.

"Okay, little buddy," I say as I lay Rye down on the changing table. "Let's make this quick." I quickly get Rye in a dry diaper. He continues to cry as I pick him up off the changing table.

"At least you didn't pee on me this time." I no sooner get the words out of my mouth when Rye spits up all over the front of my shirt. I look down at Rye to see he's content now, and I shake my head at him. "You hate me, don't you?"

I hear Katniss laughing behind me and I turn to face him.

"I have a feeling that you've programmed him to do this," I say. Katniss smirks at me and shakes her head.

"I guess I'll be picking Willow up from school today," Katniss ays.

I sigh and nod my head. "I guess so." Katniss comes over and kisses me before she pats Rye's head.

"You be good for Daddy," she tells Rye. I laugh as Katniss leaves the room.

I sigh and look back down at Rye. "Let's go get cleaned up, little dude."

"Where's Willow?" I ask Katniss as she walks in the front door.

"At Mom's house," Katniss says. "I'm going to pick her back up after supper. I took her over there so Mom could talk to her," Katniss says as she comes over to take Rye from me.

"About what?"

Katniss sighs. "She's sill upset," she says. "Not as bad as she has been, but she asked me as soon as I picked her up if you were okay. I don't know if she's used to you picking her up or what, but she started bawling saying that she worried about us all day."

I frown as Katniss continues to speak. "I got halfway home when the thought struck me that maybe Mom could get through to her."

"I don't know," I say. "She raised you and you're still stubborn." Katniss slaps my arm and I laugh at her.

"Rye, Daddy is asking for trouble," Katniss says as she looks down at our baby boy laying in her arms. The phone rings and Rye starts crying. "I thought you'd be used to that noise by now," Katniss tells Rye as I go to answer the phone. Before I can even say anything, I hear hysterical sobs. My heart sinks.

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